I am involved in a bird migration study using satellite tags, or
PTT's, placed on the back of the bird. These tags collect various
data on the bird, and more importantly, they reveal the location of
the bird to the satellite system. I use two types of tags, both from
a company called Microwave Telemetry. When these tags transmit to the
satellite system, the ARGOS processing center sends me an email with
the calculated location and information.
I am looking for software or short scripts that could help me get
these emails into comma or tab delimited files, or other form that
could be read by a standard database or spreadsheet program. it is my
guess that since this is not a new technology, somebody should have
already written something like this and posted it on the internet.
their are hints of this at various sites in my first couple google
searches, but I couldn't find any downloads. A perfect answer would
let me know what is available for me to use, where to get it, and how
to use it/strengths and drawbacks. I would be happy with just URL's
however, so long as their good.
IF their isn't anything like that out there, I would be happy re-post
(with a higher price) this question asking somebody to help me write a
script or short piece of software. I saw that this is an option from
one of the sample questions. In this case, I would provide a lot more
detail about my ideal output and include sample emails.
If it helps, I would be happy to post a sample of the emails I receive
so that the form is clear.
Also, if the pricing is not right, please let me know and I will re-price. |