<I am a UK author who has had over 10 books published.
Firstly you need to decide whether you want to be represented by an
agent or to deal directly with a publisher yourself. Personally I have
never used an agent and would recommend dealing directly with a
The names and addresses of publishers can be found in The Writer?s
Handbook and The Artists? and Writers? Yearbook (see links below).Your
local library will probably have a copy of both books. The latest
versions are usually kept behind the counter.
Only contact publishers that are interested in publishing your genre.
You can find these publishers by browsing in a bookshop. The Writer?s
Handbook and The Artists? and Writers? Yearbook also give brief
details of publishers requirements.
What to send.
1. A brief covering letter saying that you have completed a novel and
are enclosing an outline, the first two chapters and your curriculum
vitae. Head your letter:
Book proposal
Title of novel by your name.
Don?t forget to include your name, address, phone number and any other
contact details like fax or email address.
2. An outline.
This gives details of what your novel is about. It should be no longer
than 2, A4 pages (type written and double-spaced).
3. The first two chapters (typewritten and double-spaced).
4. Your curriculum vitae. Give details of any writing experience.
Only print on one side of the paper. All pages should be loose and not
bound. Number the pages in pencil (just in case someone drops them and
muddles them up).
Enclose return postage. You can get a return postage voucher from the post office.
Publishers don?t like authors to submit to multiple publishers at the
same time. However since it take publishers on average 6-8 weeks to
reply to a submission, it can take forever to find a publisher if you
just send your proposal to one at a time.
I got my first book published by writing to ten publishers at a time.
After 10 batches of submissions I found a publisher. So it pays to
Finding an agent.
Agents can be reluctant to take on new writers without a
recommendation from another writer. Join your local writers group. You
will often find that professional writers are members who can offer
advice and maybe an introduction to an agent.
Writers? and Artists? Yearbook. Publisher: A & C Black; ISBN:
0713666595 (August 2003)
The Writer?s Handbook. Publisher: Pan; ISBN: 0333908120
<Hope this helps.> |
Request for Answer Clarification by
28 Jan 2004 16:22 PST
Why a CV ? I'm an ex primary school teacher and ex (as of 9th Jan)
data analyst... I have quite an online presence but nothing published
in books anywhere, so am not sure what you mean about using the CV to
advantage ?
Grey Wolf
Clarification of Answer by
28 Jan 2004 23:04 PST
< A CV should be brief. One page is sufficient.
The reason that publishers like to see a CV is that your life
experiences may be useful in publicising your novel. Anything that
attests to your writing ability, has inspired your book or would
enhance your publicity profile as an author should be included.
In your case, give details of where your work can be seen on the
internet. Showing that you have an ongoing interest in writing will
If you can?t think of anything useful to put in a CV then don?t send one.
In the meantime try to get short stories or articles published. You
will be taken more seriously by a publisher if you already have
something published.
Also enter writing competitions. A work selected in a competition will
also raise your profile.
<Additional links:>
<How to Get Published.>
<Sending in a query letter to a potential publisher.>
<Hope this helps.>
Request for Answer Clarification by
29 Jan 2004 05:15 PST
Are these saying that in this day and age you have to STILL send paper
copies of the novel ? I had rather expected to send a CD, it hardly
costs them any time or money to print the thing out if they like the
look of it, and also its part-formatted already...? Its going to cost
a fortune if I have to send out paper instead ? Are they really that
backwards ?
Clarification of Answer by
29 Jan 2004 06:59 PST
<Absolutely. I write for one of the biggest UK publishers and have had
dealings with many other publishers. Everything is done on paper
initially. A paper copy is easily marked up with corrections. It is
also portable it can be read just about anywhere. Your proposal will
be given to a reader who may read it on the train to work, in bed at
night, in front of the tv and just about any other location.
Publishers are inundated with submissions and would soon go broke if
they had to print out everyone's manuscript.
If your book is accepted you will most likely be asked to send a copy
on disc and a printed copy. However at all stages of the publishing
process the publisher likes to see a paper copy.
I understand your concerns about the cost. You can reduce costs by
using second class post. Your manuscript is going to hang around at
the publishers for many weeks so a day or two more in the post will
not make much difference. Instead of sending return postage for your
entire submissions package you can just enclose a stamped address
envelope and tell the publisher that you don't need your proposal
Also take care in selecting publishers. Only send your proposal to
those who will be definitely interested in your genre.>
<Hope this helps.>