Here is the problem.
I waked up and start my computer, and I found out my windows bar(
well, I dont know what is it called, but I referred to those bottons
which appear when you open an IE window or a program, you click on
them to swith between different IE windows or programs).
The first thing I found is my quick launch icon all stocked to the top
The second thing is I cant adjust the quick launch icon bar to make
the windows bar reappear.
I can't even drag the task bar out if I unselect the quick launch icon bar.
And I tried to press my "windows key" on my keyboard in that
situation, and it showed out a huge gap ( )
Not that I think it is a task bar misusing b/c I am quite a good
windows user. I think my explorer.exe has been damaged or I need to
reconfigure my registry.
I was thinking it is some bad virus/hack traps. I checked the RUN/RUN
ONCE key in registry and scaned the computer with Norton, nothing at
I reintalled XP ( not formatted, just use upgrade to recover), the
problem was still there.
I hoped someone can enlighten me with this, I really appreciate it. Thank you. |
Request for Question Clarification by
31 Jan 2004 02:11 PST
Hello Ellipsis,
Is Auto-hide checked in the Taskbar and Start Menu Properties? Also,
better unlock the Taskbar if it's locked so you can move items on it.
I'm also thinking of filled-up RAM. Try to reduce the programs that
startup with Windows by running msconfig.exe, tell me if that helps.
In case there's nothing wrong with Windows itself or your settings,
try reinstalling your video display driver. Uninstall first rather
than reinstall it immediately.
Clarification of Question by
31 Jan 2004 16:35 PST
No, I didn't check Auto-Hide.And I cant have dat windows icon no
matter i unlock quick launch icon or not.And I just reinstalled my
video card driver, still not worked.
Request for Question Clarification by
31 Jan 2004 21:27 PST
Is your System Restore on? Have you tried system restoring to a point
when your system was OK?
I also wonder if you had installed anything prior to the problem's first occurring.
Also, try running Scandisk or Norton Disk Docor or similar on your
hard disk, to see if the problem is a bad sector that hit vital system
Clarification of Question by
31 Jan 2004 22:29 PST
No. Since I reinstalled( i didnt format,just choose the upgrade
selection, i want to recover my XP) my XP yesterday, I dont have ny
restore point.
I have run scandisk. Everything is ok, so confuse.
Request for Question Clarification by
01 Feb 2004 05:19 PST
Since you mentioned that you have Norton Utilities in your computer,
did you try the System Check or Win Doctor programs to see if errors
they'll fix might have been causing the problems?
If you think Registry errors may be the problems, you might want to
try this automatic registry cleaner program. It's an old version, but
it's freeware and work pretty well.
Regcleaner 4.3
This are all I could offer now to try and disgnose the problem. If my
advice doesn't work, maybe another researcher could help you find out
what's wrong.