Hi newbie2004,
The short answer:
August 6, 1825, (August 6 is Bolivia's Independence Day).
Upper Peru became independent from Spain April 1, 1825, signed a
Declaration of Independence on August 6, 1825, and received its name,
Bolivia, on August 11, 1825.
Bolivia History:
"Independence was declared in 1825 by an assembly which met in
Chuqisaca (Sucre). General Antonio Jose de Sucre, who, in comand of
Colombian troops, played a leading role in the defeat of the Spanish
garrison, was elected as the first president. The following year a
constitution was drawn up by Simon Bolivar and adopted. It was then
that the country received the name of Bolivia."
"The frequent changes in the regime were often accompanied by changes
in the constitution. Thus, from the declaration of independence to the
end of the nineteenth century, ten different constitutions were
enacted. In 1904 Bolivia lost a substantial part of its possesions in
the eastern lowlands to Brazil. Defeated in a war with Paraguay
(1932-1935), Bolivia lost most of its territory in the Gran Chaco. At
present, Bolivia extends over less than half the territory over which
it claimed soveriegnty when it declared independence."
History of Bolivia:
"...the Battle of Ayacucho in 1824, the final battle of the wars of
independence in Latin America. Olañeta continued a quixotic war until
Sucre's forces defeated his forces, and he was killed by his own men
on April 1, 1825, in a battle that effectively ended Spanish rule in
Upper Peru."
"In 1825 Bolívar, first president of what became known as Bolivia,
transferred authority over Upper Peru to his lieutenant, Sucre
(1825-28), who called a constituent assembly in Chuquisaca to
determine the future of the region. Almost all delegates wanted an
independent Upper Peru and rejected attachment to Argentina or Peru.
On August 6, 1825, the assembly adopted a declaration of independence.
Five days later, the assembly, hoping to placate Bolívar's
reservations about the independence of Upper Peru, resolved to name
the new nation after him."
Additional Link:
The History of Bolivia:
Thank you for your question. If you have any questions, please post a
clarification request before closing/rating my answer.
Thank you,
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"bolivia's independence"
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