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Finding the most important marketing and design online newsletters
Category: Business and Money > Advertising and Marketing Asked by: sethgodin-ga List Price: $87.00 |
02 Feb 2004 07:45 PST
Expires: 03 Mar 2004 07:45 PST Question ID: 302758 |
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Re: Finding the most important marketing and design online newsletters
Answered By: ragingacademic-ga on 03 Feb 2004 14:21 PST Rated: ![]() |
Dear Seth Godin, Thanks for your question. First, let me request that if any of the following is unclear or if you require any further research ? please don?t hesitate to ask me for a clarification. I have enjoyed putting the following list together although it has taken far more time than I had estimated...I can assure you that there is no comparable list on the Web... (at least not the "known" Web...) I assume that you are the same Seth Godin who writes marketing books; even if you are not - :-) - I'd love to continue working with you on your research needs. If you are happy with the results of my work here, please ask for me next time you have a need for research by including "for ragingacademic" in the subject line of your question. As for your request - you requested a list of 20 marketing and 20 design newsletters. In "design? include graphics, user interface and product design. You noted that the best answer will include circulation and editorial contact information. Almost all of the following include editorial contacts of one sort or another, however, circulation data is not typically available. It could probably be found out by writing each of these newsletters with the intent of advertising in their publications, but that would be a far more extensive project. Twenty Top Marketing Newsletters ------------------------------------------- Compiled through personal knowledge and recommendations. Most of these I subscribe to or have subscribed to in the past. Have included editorial or other contact information where available. 1) Pepper and Rogers Group Inside 1-to-1 http://www.1to1.com/issues.aspx?publication=9224 html contact form: http://www.1to1.com/ContactUs.aspx 2) Web Marketing Today http://www.wilsonweb.com/wmt/ html contact form (and snail mail? J) http://www.wilsonweb.com/contact/?greenbar 3) Larry Chase?s WDFM ? Web Digest for Marketers http://www.wdfm.com/searchform.php (no contact information) 4) Search Engine Watch ? Danny Sullivan?s search engine marketing report http://searchenginewatch.com/ Sign-up for newsletter is here ? http://e-newsletters.internet.com/ Contact info: http://searchenginewatch.com/about/article.php/2155671 5) Stuart Elliott?s ?In Advertising? (New York Times) Sign up here: (you?ll need to sign up for free NYT membership first) http://www.nytimes.com/mem/email.html Sample: http://www.nytimes.com/marketing/email/stuart_elliott.gif 6) CustomerThink, crmguru.com?s newsletter http://crmguru.com/ Editorial contact: editor@crmguru.com 7) Web Marketing eZine http://www.webmarketingezine.com/ Latest issue: http://www.webmarketingezine.com/backissues/030514.shtml Sign up: subscribe@WebMarketingEzine.com Contact info: http://www.webmarketingezine.com/contactus.shtml 8) Psycho Tactics (Sean D?Souza) http://www.psychotactics.com/free.htm Subscribe here: http://www.psychotactics.com/subscribe.htm Editor: sean@psychotactics.com 9) Marketing Profs http://www.marketingprofs.com/ Editorial info: http://www.marketingprofs.com/about/article_submissions.asp 10) Marketing Wonk http://www.marketingwonk.com/ Sign up: http://www.marketingwonk.com/lists/dailynews/?PHPSESSID=6b86f28963021b8af876ff22a34088be Editor, Tig Tillinghast tig@marketingwonk.com Access to seven additional newsletters run by Marketingwonk (for fee) http://www.marketingwonk.com/lists/ i-blog i-copywriting i-design i-domain i-PR i-sales i-search 11) Marketing Power (AMA) Sample: http://www.marketingpower.com/htmls/newsletter/ Sign up: http://www.marketingpower.com/live/profile.php?Session_ID=70915b82626b575d8f258f4e8be0d16e Contact info: http://www.marketingpower.com/live/contact-us.php 12) IAB Informer (Internet Advertising Bureau) http://www.iab.net/informer/index.asp IAB Contacts: http://www.iab.net/about/contacts.asp 13) Traffick http://www.traffick.com/ Sign up: http://www.traffick.com/about/newsletters.asp Editorial: http://www.traffick.com/contact/default.asp?issueSelected=1 14) CyberAtlas www.cyberatlas.com sign-up: http://cyberatlas.internet.com/resources/newsletter/article/ 15) ClickZ Today http://www.clickz.com/ Editorial info: http://www.clickz.com/submission/ 16) PromoXtra (Primedia) Signup: http://www.mailcubed.com/news/primedia/assent.asp?t=sub&cat=9 Sample: http://enews.primediabusiness.com/enews/promo/promo_html/current 17) Chief Marketer Signup: http://www.mcb3.com/news/primedia/assent.asp?t=sub Sample: http://ad.doubleclick.net/ad/newsletters.iclick.com/chief.marketer;sz=468x60;ord=33562021? 18) The Subject Line (Doug Pond) http://www.thesubjectline.com/subscribe.htm Editorial: contactus@thesubjectline.com 19) admarketing http://netpreneur.org/connect/am/default.html Newsletter archive http://netpreneur.org/connect/am/museletter/musings.html Contact info: http://netpreneur.org/contact/default.html 20) avant | marketer http://www.avantmarketer.com/ Contact: http://avantmarketer.com/contact.shtml *** Circulation ? most do not disclose. I have, however, located a couple of sources for circulation data: http://www.jogena.com/ezine/cirgim.htm Web Marketing Today claims circulation of 120,000 in 2001: http://www.wilsonweb.com/consult/experience.htm MarketingProfs used to publish circulation in the header, 48,200 as of June 2002 http://www.marketingprofs.com/webnews/2/news6-25-02.asp Twenty Top Design Newsletters __________________________ 1) Useit (Jakob Nielsen) http://www.useit.com/ Signup: http://www.useit.com/alertbox/subscribe.html Contact info: Mail: Dr. Jakob Nielsen, Nielsen Norman Group, 48921 Warm Springs Blvd., Fremont, CA 94539, USA Contact: nielsen@nngroup.com; Luice Hwang, hwang@nngroup.com, tel. (408) 720-8808 2) GoodExperience (Mark Hurst) http://www.goodexperience.com/ Subscribe - update@goodexperience.com Editorial - mark@goodexperience.com 3) WebWord http://webword.com/ Newsletter archives and subscription: http://webword.com/archive/index.html Editorial info: http://webword.com/contributors.html 4) Human Factors Newsletter http://www.humanfactors.com/downloads/currentissue.asp 410 West Lowe P.O. Box 2020 Fairfield, IA 52556 Tel. 800-242-4480 or 641-472-4480 Fax 641-472-5412 hfi@humanfactors.com 5) User Interface Engineering ? UIE Tips http://world.std.com/~uieweb/uietips.htm User Interface Engineering 4 Lookout Lane, Unit 4D Middleton, MA 01949 Phone: (978)-777-9123 Fax: (978)-777-9894 6) Cooper Newsletter (Alan Cooper, designer of Mac interface) http://cooper.com/content/insights/newsletters.asp Subscribe: http://cooper.com/content/insights/subscribe.asp email:business@cooper.com 7) wpdfd (Web Page Design for Designers) http://www.wpdfd.com/ Subscribe: http://www.wpdfd.com/wpdannounce.htm 8) Tomalak?s Realm Newsletter http://www.tomalak.org/todayslinks/newsletter.html Contact - tomalak@tomalak.org 9) Digital Web Magazine ? the newsletter http://www.digital-web.com/newsletter.shtml Editorial: http://www.digital-web.com/keepusfree.shtml 10) Boxes and Arrows http://www.boxesandarrows.com/ Editorial - http://www.boxesandarrows.com/about/writeforus.php 11) foruse ? user centered design http://www.foruse.com/newsletter/ 12) internetworking http://www.internettg.org/newsletter/newsletter.html Editorial: http://www.internettg.org/newsletter/dec01/newcfp.html 13) usability news http://www.usabilitynews.com/ Editorial: http://www.usabilitynews.com/contributestep1.asp?c=7 14) Usability Interface ? Usability Special Interest Group (SIG) Newsletter http://www.stcsig.org/usability/newsletter/index.html Editorial - http://www.stcsig.org/usability/newsletter/editorial.html 15) TaskZ ? Executive Resource for Web-centered Design http://www.taskz.com/ Editor: editorTZ@mauronewmedia.com 16) The Interaction Designer?s Coffee Break http://www.guuui.com/index.php Contact: henrik.olsen@guuui.com 17) Information Visualization http://www.infovis.net/MainPage.htm Contact info: http://www.infovis.net/Join/Community.htm 18) creativepublic.com http://www.creativepublic.com/index.html 19) Graphic Design @ About.com http://graphicdesign.about.com/ (subscribe down the page, lefthand side) Contact: graphicdesign.guide@about.com 20) A List Apart http://www.alistapart.com/ Editorial: http://www.alistapart.com/contribute/ I hope this response adequately addresses your request. Please let me know if you are in need of additional information concerning this query. Thanks, ragingacademic-ga |
rated this answer:![]() Supergreat work. Fast, thorough, complete. |
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Re: Finding the most important marketing and design online newsletters
From: ragingacademic-ga on 11 Feb 2004 08:50 PST |
Happened to come across the following, looks like this reply will be part of a new book - from Fast Company: "Fast Company is working with contributing writer Seth Godin to create a directory of people and organizations that can help you make a Purple Cow. Bull Market 2004 will be a compendium of companies that can help you make things happen. It will highlight copywriters, brainstormers, newsletters, graphic designers, namers, logo designers, printers, jingle writers, and other people, teams, companies, and organizations that can help you be remarkable." Cool! ragingacademic |
Re: Finding the most important marketing and design online newsletters
From: ragingacademic-ga on 11 Feb 2004 21:28 PST |
Dear Seth - no need to respond, but I wanted to share with you the following note from Google-Answers Editors: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thank you very much for letting us know about this. It's great news. Please let the asker know (you may post a comment to this question) that if your answer posted on Google Answers is to become part of a new book, then the writer should have permission from Google and the source should be properly attributed, as is noted in our Terms of Service: http://answers.google.com/answers/termsofservice.html Sincerely, The Google Answers Team ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- thanks, ragingacademic |
Re: Finding the most important marketing and design online newsletters
From: overseer-ga on 21 Apr 2004 04:25 PDT |
thanks mr. Godin for your theories. internet marketing owes you so much. i'm a big big fan. don't underestimate the get-rich-quick people. last year i have mapped out the successful marketers that indeed make money off the internet enterpreneurs market, and i have to tell you they are a very capable lot. look up the alexa popularity rating of sites such as sitesell.com and you will be amazed at what one-man operations can do. these are people whose playground is the internet, i estimate the top 5 make more than $10m annually from internet marketing - generally to the internet marketers public, granted. it seems to me very interesting to learn, for example, which marketing-related information packages promoted via clickbank.com contain true value. if you look up the sales leader in their b2b category, for example (that's assuming they're not simply friends of the owners, of course), superaffiliatehandbook.com, you will see their sales letter (printed on my israeli-standard A4 pages *blush*) is 21 pages long! [for a discussion of the philosophy of long sales letters i recommend the book 'the ultimate sales letter' by one get-rich-quick kennedy] and trust me: anywhere you put your finger on in those 21 pages you will find good, hardworking copy. deconstructing such copy to me was a treat, these guys are real pros. IMHO, these guys have done it, have optimized it, and have gone to some island to get a rest a long, long time ago. your thoughts? |
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