Hello Kirkman--
I have carefully considered your question, researched it, and have
your answer. This process took several days, mainly because it took
most of that time for the Food & Drug Administration to find the
information we were looking for to confirm the manufacturers.
First, I conducted a Google search for the following terms: "sodium
fluoride" tablet manufacturer
You may view the results of my search online. The link is
I also conducted a Google search for the following terms: "sodium fluoride tablets"
You may view the results of this search online. The link is
Further, I conducted a Google search for the following terms: "sodium
fluoride tablets" manufacturer
You may view the results of this search online. The link is
Many of those who are claiming to be manufacturers are actually only
distributors. They are companies like AmericaRX, which is a
board-registered pharmacist but online claims to also make sodium
fluoride tablets in the strengths you're seeking. You may access this
information online. The link is
You may contact AmericaRx at:
Lakshmidevi Pharmacy
40-02 Queens Blvd.
Sunnyside, NY 11104
Customer Service customerservice@americarx.com
For sales please mail us at
Then online, I located the following manufacturer of such sodium fluoride tablets:
Colgate-Hoyt Laboratories
575 University Ave.
Norwood, MA 02092
Luride 0.25mg F Lozi-Tabs. 120 tablets per bottle Description: Each
tablet contains 0.25 mg fluoride from 0.55 mg sodium fluoride. Cost:
Wholesale is $4.20, and retail is $6.95. Luride 0.50mg F Lozi-Tabs.
120 tablets per bottle Description: Each tablet contains 0.50 mg
fluoride from 1.1 mg sodium fluoride. Cost: Wholesale is $4.53, and
retail is $7.28. Luride 1.Omg F Lozi-Tabs. 120 tablets per bottle
Description: Each tablet contains 1.00 mg fluoride from 2.2 mg sodium
fluoride. Cost: Wholesale is $4.45, and retail is $7.20. Luride Dosage
and Administration
I then contacted the Food & Drug Administration directly to find out
your answer direct from them. You may follow up with them at
After a couple days of pondering the issue, they finally responded
this morning with information that there are two FDA-licensed
manufacturers who make bulk sodium fluoride tablets in the United
States. The first is Colgate-Palmolive, listed above. The second is
Lilly, more formally known as Eli Lilly.
The FDA gave me their contact information as the following:
Eli Lilly and Company
Lilly Corporate Center
Indianapolis, Indiana 46285 USA
Phone: +1-317-276-2000
If you need additional information, please contact one of the
following Lilly offices: In the United States, contact Eli Lilly and
Company Customer Services:
For medical information: 1-800-545-5979
For health care professionals in the U.S. to receive and/or request
medical information, www.LillyMedical.com
Outside the United States, please contact the local Lilly office or
Lilly area offices:
Africa and Middle East
Eli Lilly Export S.A.
16, Chemin de Coquelicots
P.O. Box 580
1214 Vernier/Geneva
Telephone: 41-22-30 60 333
Fax: 41-22-30 60 470
Asian Operations
Eli Lilly Asian Operations, Limited
27th Floor, CITIC Tower
1 Tim Mei Avenue
Hong Kong
Telephone: +852-2105-1600
Fax: +852-2104-6801
Eli Lilly Australia Pty Ltd
1600 112 Wharf Road West Ryde
NSW 2114
Telephone: +61-2-9325-4444
Fax: +61-2-9325-4400
Eli Lilly Canada Inc.
3650 Danforth Avenue
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Telephone: 1-800-268-5123
Fax: 416-693-3604
Central and Eastern Europe
Eli Lilly Regional Operations Ges.m.b.H
Barichgasse 40-42
A-1030 Wien
Telephone: 43-1-711780
Fax: 43-1-71178312
Eli Lilly Japan K.K.
Sannomiya Plaza Building
7-1-5 Isogami-dori
Chuo-ku, Kobe 651-0086
Telephone: 8178-242-9000
Fax: 8178-242-9502
Latin America
Lilly Corporate Center
Mail Drop Code 1851
Indianapolis, Indiana 46285
Telephone: 317-276-2790
Fax: 317-276-6820
Western Europe
Eli Lilly Holdings Limited
European Operations (European Union member states, Iceland, Norway and Sweden)
Erl Wood Manor
Sunninghill Road
Windlesham, Surrey
GU20 6PH
Telephone: 44-1276-483000
Fax: 44-1276-484921
(Operations outside of USA, Japan and Western Europe)
Lilly Corporate Center
Mail Drop Code 1854
Indianapolis, Indiana 46285
Telephone: 317-276-1847
Fax: 317-277-0479
I hope this helps. If you need any further information or any
clarification, please don't hesitate to click the "clarify" button.
I'm happy to help.
darrel-ga |