Hello Nonsecone1023~
To a degree, one can learn to read body language accurately. The
trouble is, it only works *generally.* There will always be people who
can lie without giving off body language that indicates they are
lying, and there will always be people who may seem to be lying, but
are not.
On the other hand, watching someone on video tape may give you an
advantage. There?s a reason law enforcement officials often tape
interviews?They slow the tapes down later, and look for ?Micro
Gestures,? which last a mere second and are difficult to catch
Below are some general principles on reading a liar?s body language,
including what micro gestures to look out for:
? Slowing Down. When people lie, they tend to slow down their speech
in order to think about their answers. This ?slowing down? may also
include a sudden increase in the number of ?um?s used.
? Fewer Gestures. Many liars use fewer gestures when they are lying.
(?Don?t Judge Liars On Body Language,? by Mark Henderson,
http://www.nodeception.com/bodylanguage.jsp )
? Changes In Body Posture sometimes indicate lying.
? Nervous Foot Tapping indicates irritation or nervousness, but may
also indicate lying.
? Ambivalent Gestures. Experts say that ambivalent gestures may
indicate lying. Example: someone shrugs their shoulders when saying
? Using Hands to Cover Mouth. Sometimes called the ?Speak no evil?
move, this is when people filter their words through their fingers, by
placing their hand in front of their mouth. Law enforcement officers
see this as a clue they are lying.
? Wrinkling. Nose wrinkles, according to law enforcement, is one of
those micro gestures that may indicate lying. (?The Truth About Lying?
by John Boe, Self Growth,
http://www.selfgrowth.com/articles/Boe22.html )
? Increased Swallowing. Although also a sign of nervousness, increased
swallowing (caused by a drying throat) may indicate lying.
? Sudden Mouth Ticks. This micro gesture may indicate lying, if it
comes upon the person suddenly.
? Faster Blinking may indicate lying, as can eyelids that suddenly
begin twitching. (?Deception Signals? by Martin Lloyd-Elliott,
? Dilated Eyes. A liar?s pupils may dilate, if their adrenaline is
running. However, adrenaline is also found in fearful or nervous
situations. (?Body Language,? BBC,
http://www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/guide/A427277 )
? Change in Voice Pitch may indicate lying, although angry or upset
people also often find their voices rising in pitch.
? The Whites of Their Eyes. If, suddenly, you can the white on the top
and bottom of the person?s eyes, this may be an indication of lying.
(?Become a Human Lie Detector? by Mary Nemko, Monster,
http://content.monster.com/martynemko/articles/archive/lying/ )
? Can't Look In Eye. It's an an old, but largely false, assumption
that liars can't look you in the eye, say experts. Many people don?t
look you in the eye. It doesn?t necessarily mean they are lying. Maybe
they are just shy, nervous, uncomfortable..Also, pathological liars
usually are very good at looking people in the eye and lying to them ?
(?When Body Language Lies,? by Nick Morgan, Working Knowledge,
http://hbswk.hbs.edu/pubitem.jhtml?id=3123&t=organizations ) A more
accurate gauge is a sudden looking away at the moment of the
lie?particularly if they look down.
? Blushing & Sweating. It?s a bad assumption that just because someone
blushes or sweats when discussing a certain topic, they are lying. It
certainly indicates they are uncomfortable, however, and may go hand
in hand with other evidence of lying.
It's important to note, however, that none of the indications is
absolute proof of lying.
"body language" lies
"body language" lying
?micro gestures?
://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=%22micro+gestures%22 |