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Q: data on candidates in Democratic Primary elections ( Answered 5 out of 5 stars,   1 Comment )
Subject: data on candidates in Democratic Primary elections
Category: Reference, Education and News
Asked by: grthumongous-ga
List Price: $10.00
Posted: 04 Feb 2004 22:01 PST
Expires: 05 Mar 2004 22:01 PST
Question ID: 303736
Find the standing physical heights of the following contenders in the
2004 Democratic Party presidential primary elections.

Howard Dean
John Kerry
Wesley Clark
John Edwards
Subject: Re: data on candidates in Democratic Primary elections
Answered By: pinkfreud-ga on 04 Feb 2004 22:49 PST
Rated:5 out of 5 stars
Hello again, grthumongous. Thanks for an intriguing question! 

Below I've posted the heights of these four candidates, with my sources.


Howard Dean: 5'9" (or 5' 8 3/4" if we allow quarter-inch precision)
John Kerry: 6'4"
Wesley Clark: 5'10"
John Edwards: 6' (questioned by some, but it's on his driver's license)



"For the record, Dean is 5 feet, 9 inches tall." 

Burlington Free Press: Dean bid gains support, steam

"Dean is, interestingly enough, the first candidate in the five
presidential campaigns I have analyzed to express his official height
in quarter inches. An official spokesperson told me he is 5 feet 8 3/4
inches tall."

Washington Post:

(You might want to read the entire Washington Post article. It's
interesting and entertaining.)



"The description has dogged Kerry since he first won a Senate seat in
1984. Friends say it has more to do with his height of 6 feet 4
inches, and Boston brahmin bearing, than any real diffidence."

St Petersburg Times: Kerry battles to dispel the myths

"Kerry has a long and craggy face, lined these days with the weariness
of sleeping just four hours on some nights... Already lean at 6'4"
tall, he struggles to avoid losing weight on the campaign."

USA Today: Kerry finds his stride on the trail


"After holding sweaters up to his chest, Clark finally chose one --
according to Clark, forest green is his color -- but it was a
'Tall/Large' size, seemingly too big for the 5'10" General."

ABC News: Field Notes: Wesley Clark 

"Clark, meanwhile, is described as a man of enormous 'stature.' But,
at five-foot-ten, according to Esquire magazine, he's hardly a giant."

CBS News: The Cutest Little Baby Face (from "The New Republic")

(Another good article.)



"Exhibit A is his driver's license, a document his spokesman
references to confirm that the senator stands 6 feet tall. Edwards may
be many things to many people, but 6 feet tall he is not, say Hill
aides who pass him in the corridors. 'Six feet, my foot?' scoffs a
Republican colleague." Democrat rising son (from "Insight on the News")

"George W. Bush, of course, who stands 5-11. The November 2000
election preserved the integrity of the Presidential Height Index, as
Bush lost the popular vote to Al Gore, who stands 6-1. This formula
has Bush beating all the Democrats but Kerry (6-4), U.S. Rep. Richard
A. Gephardt (6-1) and Edwards (6)."

Sunspot: The measure of a man,0,4733844.story?coll=bal-features-headlines

(Yet another good article.)


To find this info, I performed Google searches using the names of the
candidates with a variety of keyphrases, including "his height," "in
height," and "is * tall."

I hope this information is useful. If anything is unclear, or if a
link doesn't work for you, please request clarification, and I'll get
back to you as soon as I can.

Best regards,
pinkfreud (5' 2½")
grthumongous-ga rated this answer:5 out of 5 stars and gave an additional tip of: $5.21
Thanks Pink.
Based on this determinant if John Kerry becomes the nominee.... 

       grthumongous-ga 5' 8 1/2"

Subject: Re: data on candidates in Democratic Primary elections
From: pinkfreud-ga on 05 Feb 2004 12:22 PST
Thanks so much for the five-star rating and the tip! 

Regarding the matter of politicians' heights, Abraham Lincoln is said
to have stated that a man is tall enough if his legs reach the ground.


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