Dear frank2,
I found the official definitions of "Gewirk" and "Gestrick" (those are
the singular forms of "Gewirke" and "Gestricke") in the German
Statutory Compensation Insurance regulations, quoted in their
regulations for the use of protective clothing:
-- Definition begins here --
Gewirk is a two-dimensional textile product made of thread systems
through formation of meshes. Through the meandering form of the thread
(meshes), the Gewirk is very elastic.
(Gewirk ist ein aus Fadensystemen durch Maschenbildung hergestelltes
Flächengebilde. Durch die gewundene Fadenform (Maschen) erhält das
Gewirk eine große Elastizität.)
Gestrick is a thread system with the thread bows (meshes) successively
formed by one single thread.
(Gestrick ist ein Fadensystem, bei dem die Fadenschleifen (Maschen)
nacheinander durch einen einzigen Faden erzeugt werden.)
-- Definition ends here --
German Statutory Compensation Insurance, Regulations for Safety and
Health Protection: Regulations for Protective Clothing (PDF file!)
So the Gewirk is defined as a fabric of made meshes formed by
meandring threads, while a Gewirk is always made by one single thread
that is not necissarily meandring but can be knitted in other ways.
For an illustration of the differences between Gestrick and Gewirk,
see this document (PDF file!), page 15, figure (Abbildung) 16:
Source: University of Rostock, Institute of Construction Technology:
Herstellungstechnologien für Faserverbundbauteile
Search terms used:
gewirk gestrick
Hope this is what you were looking for!
Best regards,
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