Hi - I am building a social network website; I want to be able to send
automatic SMS messages at various trigger points to my members
alerting them to this and that. Members as you can imagine will be ALL
OVER THE WORLD including the USA, Europe, Middle East, Indonesia,
Australia..etc. There are many sms gateway vendors out there that can
help and I read so many of your SMS gateway vendor info on 'Google
Answers' and I visited many of these sites. None however answers my
question. So I need your help.
I need to find the vendor that has:
1- the most comprehensive network coverage in the industry WORLDWIDE -
who is that? a network that covers the main operators in most
countries. No 'Perfect', 'No Holes' networks exist I think..but I want
the closest thing to it.
**IMPORTANT** It has been hard for me to find a vendor that can
service the USA and the rest of the world. Most have networks and
services to GSM operators. Please focus on gateway vendors who have
both CDMA and GSM reach (= covering MOST of USA and rest of the
world)- no one has a perfect coverage map with ZERO holes, but I want
to get very close to it. Who is that vendor? maybe one way to start is
to figure out What sms gateway vendor covers most of the USA - with
agreements with most operators- and then see how comprehensive their
'rest of the world' network is.
2- I am not too excited about up front costs or buying any hardware
but open to listening to my options; please detail all the costs
(please please please do not just refer me to the websites ONLY) - I
need you to compare this vendor with the other (maybe a table). Not
just "go to 10 sites and try to figure out the mess"
3- Best Price/Performance vendor: price price price is important. But
quality as well.
4- Not sure what my volumes will be initially at all. But what should
I charge my memebers for 100 alert messages per month to at least
break even. Give me some examples. $10? $20?
5- Do all messages bought in bulk..expire? what if I wanted to buy a
million messages and use them until they are used (maybe one mnth and
maybe 3 years)but..not expire in 30 days. what vendors' sms' do not
6- Solution has to fit into my website nicely. I do not want to
mention the service provider or the gateway provider names or send my
memebers to other sites or anything like that- needs to be seamless.
How does that work technically ? What information do I need exactly to
communicate to the person building my site or to the gateway provider.
What vendors have good experience with that? good customer service?
If you can think of any other useful info for my site, please let me know.
Thanks in advance |