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Q: Architecture, building ( Answered 5 out of 5 stars,   1 Comment )
Subject: Architecture, building
Category: Miscellaneous
Asked by: leander1-ga
List Price: $7.00
Posted: 06 Feb 2004 01:43 PST
Expires: 07 Mar 2004 01:43 PST
Question ID: 304046
Please can you help me with the translation of this passage?
"Die gebaute Einheit wird als Gesamtform wahrgenommen, wobei die
einzelnen Häuser erst auf den zweiten Blick erkannt werden. In diesem
Sinne gewährt die Anordnung der Innenräume mit einer konstanten Breite
von ungefähr 5 Metern eine hohe Nutzungsflexibilität und begünstig
zugleich die Gesamtsicht gegenüber der Zuordnung in Nutzungsräume."
Subject: Re: Architecture, building
Answered By: scriptor-ga on 06 Feb 2004 05:34 PST
Rated:5 out of 5 stars
Dear leander1,

Here is a translation of that passage:

"The erected unit is perceived as a single entity, and the individual
houses can be identified only on second sight. Analogically, the
layout of the interior spaces with their constant width of about 5
meters provides for high flexibility of usage and at the same time
advantages the over-all perception of entirety over the allocation of
utilisable spaces."

Hope this helps!
Best regards,
leander1-ga rated this answer:5 out of 5 stars
Thank you!

Subject: Re: Architecture, building
From: poe-ga on 06 Feb 2004 02:25 PST
Hi Leander,

I'll leave this to a German speaker to make a decent attempt on it,
but I ran it through Babelfish and got the following results which
might serve as a basic idea until you receive a proper answer:

"the built unit is noticed as total form, whereby the individual
houses are only recognized on the second view. In this sense grants
the arrangement of the interiors with constant width of approximately
5 meters a high use flexibility and favours at the same time the total
view in relation to the allocation in use areas."

AltaVista: Babel Fish

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