I'm trying to find a poll ranking the trustworthiness of various
professions as perceived by the US public.
I have two incomplete references to such a poll, though they may not
refer to the same source.
The first is from Bill O'Reilly's book "Who's Looking Out For You," on
p. 81 of which he says, "According to the polls... journalists are
ranked near the bottom of all admired professions... (By the way,
nurses are ranked first.)" No citation.
The second reference is also vague - a friend says she remembers
seeing such a poll in USA Today a few years back.
Would you provide a full citation of the USA Today poll and/or any
other polls from the last five years ranking perceived professional
trustworthiness? |
Request for Question Clarification by
06 Feb 2004 12:25 PST
Does this meet your needs?
Request for Question Clarification by
06 Feb 2004 16:27 PST
I've found a second online source that reproduces the poll I mentioned
above, with the added information that it was a CNN/USA Today/Gallup
poll that was released July 17, 2002.
If this isn't what you're seeking, it would be very helpful if you
could describe your needs in greater detail. The more we know about
what you want, the better we'll be able to help you.
Request for Question Clarification by
06 Feb 2004 20:34 PST
I have also found the results of a CNN/USA Today/Gallup Poll from 2003
in which people were asked to rate the honesty and ethical standards
of people from different professions.
Please let me know if any of this interests you.
Clarification of Question by
07 Feb 2004 17:11 PST
The poll published at http://mediaresearchak.org/gallup_poll.htm is
very similar to what I had in mind, but primarily I'd like to find
trust information that covers nutritionists / nutritional councilors
ranked among various other professions.
Sorry for not including that in my original question.
Request for Question Clarification by
08 Feb 2004 11:55 PST
I have not been able to find a poll of this sort which includes
nutritionists or nutritional counselors. Polls of this type generally
choose employment categories which are broad-based.
I hope another Researcher will be able to find the kind of poll you're looking for.
Clarification of Question by
17 Feb 2004 21:20 PST
Thank you for looking into this pinkfreud-ga. After my search and
yours both turned up nothing, I'm beginning to think such a poll has
not yet been conducted, or at least that the results may not be
available online.
In any case, thank you for your time and effort.