Lee runs a small mini market just outside Washington DC.
What is the address of his store? |
Request for Question Clarification by
08 Feb 2004 12:25 PST
Dear claremont,
With the few data available, finding a definitive answer is almost
impossible. However, I managed to find one mini market connected with
Lee as the owner's name. It is located only 30 miles from Washingtin
DC. If you think that this could be the store you have in mind, please
let me know.
Request for Question Clarification by
08 Feb 2004 14:52 PST
claremont --
I believe that we will need more information to be able to provide a
useful answer to you. Can you clarify your question by answering any
or all of the following questions?
1. Since the store you are looking for is "just outside Washington,
DC," it must be in either Maryland or Virginia. Do you know which
state it is in? Do you have any more information about its location?
2. I assume that "Lee" is the owner of the business and that "Lee" is
a last name, not a first name. Is that correct?
3. Are you certain that the name "Lee" is part of the name of the
business, such as in "Lee's Market"?
4. If Lee is the owner's last name, do you know if he or she is a
recent immigrant from Korea or another Asian country? (This may be
helpful to know because of the existence of well-defined Asian
immigrant communities in the Washington area.)
5. There is likely to be more than one small grocery business with
"Lee" in its name in the nearby Washington, D.C. suburbs. (I have
found four with a very quick search). Are researchers free to contact
businesses that seem to fit your description? If so, what information
could we obtain about the store that would confirm that it is the one
you are looking for? (Please do NOT post personal information about
you or the owner of the business here, since that is contrary to
Google Answers policy.)
Request for Question Clarification by
17 Feb 2004 17:39 PST
Hello claremont-ga,
If you can give us any more information about the store -- especially
the full name of the owner, Lee -- then I believe I will be able to
track down and address for you.
Please let us know if any further information is available. Thanks.
Request for Question Clarification by
01 Mar 2004 17:03 PST
Hello claremont-ga,
As I mentioned a few days ago, if there is ANY additional information
you can give us -- especially the full name of Mr. Lee -- then I'm
fairly certain I can track down his store for you.
Let me know.