Hello john0108-ga,
You are right in recognizing that ?HRM is a vary large area? and that
it?s important to divide your research into manageable subject areas.
I?ve taken your invitation to suggest some areas that are easy to
investigate and provided you with a collection of starting points that
help you do this. I?ve listed some portals, directories and HR
mega-sites that will give you a good overview of the field and help
you with segmenting it by topic areas. Using these resources you will
be able to find lots of links to help you with the topics you listed
in your question. In addition to these general resources I?ve also
included short sections with specific resources for the topics you?ve
listed to help you get started.
Please don?t hesitate to ask for clarification on what I?ve provided
if any of this isn?t clear.
I wish you well with your research project.
~ czh ~
The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) is the world's
largest association devoted to human resource management. Representing
more than 175,000 individual members, the Society's mission is to
serve the needs of HR professionals by providing the most essential
and comprehensive resources available. As an influential voice, the
Society's mission is also to advance the human resource profession to
ensure that HR is recognized as an essential partner in developing and
executing organizational strategy. Founded in 1948, SHRM currently has
more than 500 affiliated chapters within the United States and members
in more than 100 countries.
***** SHRM is the premier organization for HR practitioners and their
website is an excellent starting point for exploring all of the topics
you?re interested in. Some sections are only open to members but there
is enough here to get you started.
The International Association for Human Resource Information
Management (IHRIM) is your link to the unique world of HR information
management, systems issues, trends, and technology.
***** IHRIM is focused on the interests of people who are interested
in the technologies used for human resources systems.
Our Mission
-- Provide links to other websites in the HR field;
-- Provide free web-based computer programs for HR professionals and
students; and
-- Provide guides to HR related topics
***** This is a very large directory of HR related topics. You can
browse to familiarize yourself with specific topics or to research in
depth the subjects you?re interested in.
At HR.com, we are committed to helping you make smart HR decisions,
fast. We provide you with easy access to the information, resources,
products and services you need to successfully manage the people side
of business. And, membership at HR.com is FREE.
On our home page, you'll find daily news to keep you in the loop, as
well as weekly columns to increase your business savvy, keep learning,
and stay on top of issues affecting your job. From there, you can
access any or all of our eight HR communities that represent the main
specialties within HR. These communities appear in colored tabs near
the top of the page and they include:
-- Compensation and Benefits
-- HR Information Systems
-- HR Management
-- Labor Relations
-- Legal
-- Organizational Development
-- Staffing
-- Training & Development
***** This is site offers you news and products whatever your area of
HRM responsibility.
Workforce analyzes the human resources (HR) trends and provides the
tools that drive business results.
***** Workforce Management is a magazine dedicated to HR professionals
and the website provides you with a huge array of resources.
Workindex.com is your link to the world's most comprehensive index of
workplace-related Web sites, HR tools and information. The site is
produced and maintained by the publishers of "Human Resource
Executive", in cooperation with Cornell University's School of
Industrial Labor Relations.
***** This is another major site for HR resources.
Welcome to HR Hub.comWant to understand the current trends in
organizational development? Interested in learning more about the
latest HRIS technologies? Looking for management techniques to reduce
stress in the workplace? Want to investigate the latest medical
devices? Need to identify and select suppliers? Then you need the
expert advice of HR Hub.com, the premier sourcing site for the human
resources industry.
***** This is a marketplace for HR professionals.
Nottingham Business School, The Nottingham Trent University
Human Resource Management
External Links -- This is a list of internet resources relevant to
Human Resource Management.
***** This is an excellent collection of links from a major university HR program.
Human Resource Management International Digest is an essential
information resource for today's human resource managers. As a unique
service, we scan through the best 400 management journals in the world
and distil the most topical human resource management issues and
relevant implications for HR personnel out of the cutting-edge
research. We regularly present case studies of the implementation of
human resource strategies in organizations of varying sizes, ranging
from SMEs to multinational corporations.
The SHRM Workplace Trends and Forecasting Program
The Society's Workplace Trends and Forecasting Program is part of the
Research Department, which also houses the Survey Program. This
program gives human resource professionals insight into cutting edge
issues and trends. Operating under the notion that the workplace is a
reflection of societal trends and mores, we examine developments in
science and technology, economics, politics and government, the law,
sociology, and psychology for their effect on the workplace.
Business > Management > Organizational Development
***** Browse the directory to follow your interest in resources for
the various topics you?ve listed in your question.
Organizational development
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
The field of organizational development (OD) is concerned with the
performance, development, and effectiveness of human organizations. An
organization is defined as two or more people brought together by one
or more shared goals.
***** Browse the topics to help you educate yourself about the various
components of organizational development.
Emerging Trends in Organizational Development
***** This is a 96 page paper and Power Point Presentation from a
student in the Boston University Graduate School of Management.
Leadership Development Planning
Simply put, leadership development is an effort (hopefully, planned in
nature) that enhances the learner's capacity to lead people. Very
simply put, leading is setting direction and guiding others to follow
that direction. A critical skill for leaders is the ability to manage
their own learning. The highly motivated, self-directed reader can
gain a great deal of learning and other results from using the
guidelines and materials in this library topic.
***** This is a large collection of links related to leadership development.
About The Globalist: A Global Media and Education Company
The Globalist is a daily online feature service that covers the
biggest story of our lifetime ? globalization.
The WWW Virtual Library: International Affairs Resources
Global and Cross-Cultural Issues
***** This is a large collection of resources to help you get started
exploring the issues around this topic.
International HRM
Edited By: MARYANN H ALBRECHT, University of Illinois
The European Industrial Relations Observatory (EIRO) is a monitoring
instrument offering news and analysis on European industrial
relations. A project of the European Foundation for the Improvement of
Living and Working Conditions, EIRO began its operations in 1997. Its
aim is to collect, analyse and disseminate high-quality and up-to-date
information on key developments in industrial relations in Europe. It
aims primarily to serve the needs of national and European level
organisations of the social partners, governmental organisations and
EU institutions.
TUC's partnership agenda wins qualified support from government and employers
In recent years, the TUC has been advocating a "partnership" approach
to industrial relations designed to promote improvements in employment
security, flexibility, training and competitiveness (UK9903187F). ?.
The TUC has therefore been keen to emphasise that the key element
trade unions bring to a partnership is an independent employee
Trades Union Congress
The TUC has a longstanding commitment to partnerships between unions
and employers. Partnerships at work can deliver higher productivity,
improved performance and successful changes to workplace organisation.
Partnership enables unions to play an active role in shaping an
organisation's policy and strategy, and increases union involvement in
organisational change.
Department of Trade and Industry
Employee Voice and Training at Work ? September, 2003
***** This is a 157-page publication.
Employee voice and training at work: DTI research report
A report published by the Department of Trade and Industry (Employee
voice and training at work: an analysis of case studies and WERS98) on
8 September found that developed institutions of employee voice are
rare across British industry.
Institute of Industrial Relations -- University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720
The Contribution Of Employee Participation And Voice To The Successful
Implementation Of New Technology, Work Organization And Training:
Insights From Four Paper Mills
Voos, Horton, and Moeser
Guidance and training underpin good practice
The IPA is the UK?s leading body focusing on information,
consultation, involvement and participation in the workplace and has
argued forcefully for many years in favour of the benefits of
?employee voice? at the workplace.
human resource management
organizational development
leadership development
culture and globalization
Developing partnership and employee voice |