Hello again bhutzler-ga,
After some further searching I?ve found a source for The Witch of
Blackbird Pond Study Guide. You can go directly to the publisher,
Learning Links. Joyce Friedland, the author of your book, is also the
publisher. You can call her at 800-724-2616 and order the book for
immediate shipping.
I found the information about the publisher in Bowker?s Books in Print
and used this source to identify the publisher?s website. The Learning
Links website confirmed that the book is available and provided the
contact information for ordering.
Best wishes for your project.
~ czh ~
Title: The Witch of Blackbird Pond, Grades 5-7, Level 6
Author: Joyce Friedland, Rikki Kessler
Release Date: January 1982
Publisher: Learning Links, Incorporated
ISBN: 0-88122-012-4
Item Status: Active
Learning Links, Incorporated
ISBN Prefix(s): 0-7675; 0-88122; 0-934048; 1-56982
Website(s): http://www.learninglinks.com
Company Type: Publisher
Status: ACTIVE
Began Publishing: 1973
History: Acquired Swan Bks.& ISBN publisher prefix (0-934048) has been transferred
Editorial Mailing Address:
2300 Marcus Ave.
New Hyde Park, NY 11042 USA
SAN: 241-3302
Local Phone: 516-437-9071
Local Fax: 516-437-5392
Toll-Free Phone: 800-724-2616
Learning Links Inc.
2300 Marcus Avenue
Dept. I98
New Hyde Park, NY 11042
Email us at: LearningLX@aol.com. Please include your name, address and
daytime phone number.
Or call Rikki or Joyce at (800) 724-2616 or (516) 437-9071 between
9:00 and 5:00 Monday through Friday EST. Or fax us at (516) 437-5392
Can I order books from Learning Links?
Yes. You can also order a wide range of study guides, audios, videos and more.
Novel-Ties -- our signature product -- Study guides for teaching
literature to all ages
Each Novel-Ties Study Guide costs $15.95
Primary Titles: Interest Levels 1-6
Level 6 -- The Witch of Blackbird Pond
Learning Links History
In 1976, Rikki Kessler and Joyce Friedland, two reading
teacher/specialists in Great Neck, NY knew the best way to teach
children to read was for them to read real literature. They developed
study guides for their students to use while they read a good novel.
Believing that other teachers might want to teach the same way, they
began their cottage industry. In the years since, their company has
grown, they have retired from teaching and now devote all their
efforts to developing and sharing their vision with fellow teachers. |