Hi capuccino,
Trees of the Pacific Northwest, has excellent educational pages for children:
"Welcome to the tree identification Home Page at Oregon State
University! The purpose of this site is to help you identify common
conifers in the Pacific Northwest. Feel free to skip through the pages
to learn more about specific genera, or to try your hand at
identifying a tree specimen with a user-friendly dichotomous key. If
you don't have a specimen handy, go to the mystery tree pages to try
to identify the trees pictured."
Common Conifers Genus Page
"To learn about the common conifers found in the Pacific Northwest,
click onto each genus name. On each genus page you will find
descriptions of the species that occur within each genus that are
native to this region.
Giant Sequoia
True Cedar
True Fir
Mystery Trees
Find the Identity of a Mystery Tree!
Try your hand at identifying a tree genus using a dichotomous key.
Click onto one of the mystery trees below to reveal a tree
description, complete with photographs and text describing the
characteristics of a particular tree. Then, connect with the
dichotomous key to try to identify the tree's genus and species."
Dichotomous key - (very interactive)
"A dichotomous key is a tool that allows the user to determine the
identity of items in the natural world, such as trees, wildflowers,
mammals, reptiles."
Directions for using the dichotomous key for tree identification:
A set of choices will appear on the screen, with the word "start" at
the top. Choose one of the two items by clicking on one of the white
After a choice is made in the first step, a second set of choices will
appear. The previous choice you made will appear at the top, where the
word "start" was before. Keep clicking on the boxes that best describe
the characteristics of the tree you are trying to identify.
Eventually your choices will lead you to the name of a tree genus.
Clicking on the box with a genus name will connect you to a
description of that particular genus. From the genus description page
you will also be able to connect to a species page to view pictures of
the native tree species contained in that genus.
If you are trying to determine the identity of a "mystery tree", work
through the key until you reach the tree species that matches the
given characteristics. Then, return to the mystery tree page to find
the solution to your mystery tree. If your tree doesn't match the
solution, go back through the key again to try to reach the correct
Are you ready to identify your tree? Click:
If you browse around the Arboretun de Villardebelle there are links to
hundreds of photos including a section on Cones (see link on left side
of page). The site has photos of conifers from around the world.
MSN Encarta - Multimedia - Conifer Cones
Native Conifers of North America
Print Yourself a Pine Cone Calender for the year 2004.
Volume 1: Conifers
The Conifers
"Some conifers perform well in the Southeastern U.S. while others
struggle, if barely survive. A Blue Spruce that may only take 2 years
to become well established in northerly climates may take 5 or more
years in this part of the south. For the more northerly climate
conifers such as Spruce and Fir, warm summers and heavy clay soils in
the southeast region, particularly wet clay soils, are the biggest
enemy. High nightime air temperatures, along with increased soil
temperatures lead to increased respiration rates. When clay soils are
wet, air pockets..."
Growing Conifers from Seed
See links:
Explanation of Terms
Collection and Storage of Seed
Planting and Care
"Growing your own conifer trees from seed is fun and gives you the
satisfaction of doing it yourself. The pioneers had to be
self-reliant. Many of the old trees in Nebraska were started from
seeds the pioneers brought with them or ordered from nurseries in the
east or Europe. We are fortunate in having nurseries available to
supply a wide variety of planting stock. However, many people are
still interested in growing their own seedlings. You may want to
perpetuate a tree with sentimental value, or to reproduce trees with
particularly good characteristics. Propagation from seed also is less
expensive than buying trees from a nursery.
Explanation of Terms
Germination is the emergence of the seedling from the seed. Seeds must
be mature and the environmental factors must be favorable before
germination can take place.
When mature seed is placed under favorable conditions and fails to
germinate, it is said to be dormant..."
Dwarf Conifers
http://www.bartonbradley.com/dwarf_conifers_at_cutlers.htm -- see links for ex.,
Enchanted Learning: (scroll to Conifers on left midway down the page)
Ontario Farm-Grown Natural Christmas Trees - Education Site
Garden Conifers: The Bones of Every Garden - (click: continue on next page)
Google Search:
conifers for kids
conifer photos
conifer identification
conifer cones
grow conifers
pictures conifer cones
all about conifers
Best regards,
tlspiegel |