Hi startupguy!
I?m pleased that I found the information you require.
Digital-still cameras
Millions of units 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003*
Worldwide 5.5 11.0 18.5 30.5 50.0
The Americas 2.0 4.3 6.5 11.5 17.0
Europe 1.1 2.3 4.6 9.0 18.0
Japan 1.8 3.6 5.9 6.7 9.0
Rest of the World 0.6 0.8 1.5 3.3 6.0
*Projections made in November 2003.
Digital Photography Review
US digital camera sales
4.5 million units in 2000
6.9 million units in 2001
9.3 million units in 2002(projected)
Sources of information:
?Although they are not yet ubiquitous, there is little doubt the
penetration of digital-still cameras has been swift. A few years ago,
hardly anyone knew what they were; by last December, digital cameras
were on many Christmas lists. By the end of 2001, more than 14 percent
of U.S. households owned digital cameras. Spurred largely by holiday
demand, digital camera sales reached 6.9 million units last year
(2001), growing by 53 percent over 2000. Relatively strong growth is
also expected in 2002 with projected sales of 9.3 million units.?
PMA Marketing Research: Marketing to Mom
Growth Of Digital Camera Market
?The rapid growth of the digital camera category establishes it as one
of the fastest growing categories in consumer electronics. US digital
camera sales reached 6.9 million units in 2001, compared to 4.5
million units in 2000 and according to the Photo Marketing Association
(PMA), Digital camera sales will likely grow at a fairly strong rate
in 2002, with projected sales of 9.3 million units.?
Visioneer, Inc.
U.S. Camcorder Sales
Year Sales
2000 5.7 million camcorders
2001 5.3 million camcorders
2002 5.3 million camcorders
2003 2.8 million digital camcorders (projections)
2004 3.3 million digital camcorders (forecast)
Sources of information:
?According to recent reports by the Computer Electronics Association
(CEA), camcorder sales for the year 2002 alone will total more than
5.3 million units and will bring the household penetration to nearly
40 percent. Photo specialty retailers looking for the next wave in
consumer excitement will find numerous product opportunities in the
digital video market.?
Marken Communications
?Steadily dropping prices for camcorders failed to keep the unit sales
from dropping 9.6 percent below 2000 levels to 5.3 million units in
2001. In 2002, camcorder unit sales are projected by CEA to be
virtually flat at 5.35 million units.?
Consumer Electronics Association
?According to market researcher IDC, in 2000, 5.7 million camcorders
were sold in the United States.?
Cached page of CNET News*+million+camcorders+were+sold%22&hl=es&ie=UTF-8
According to the Consumer Electronics Association (CEA):
?As of May 2003, unit sales of digital camcorders were up 4 percent to
1.74 million over the like period in 2002, according to CEA figures.
For the full year projections are for sales of 2.8 million units
representing $1.5 billion. For 2004, CEA forecasts digital camcorder
unit sales of 3.3 million with revenues of $1.7 billion.?
Search criteria:
Camcorder sales units +million
Digital still camera sales units +million
Digital Photography Market
I hope you find this helpful!
Best regards,
Bobbie7 |