Dear dan242,
Although the last lines are slightly different from the quotation you
provided, I am quite sure that this is the poem you have in mind:
Not flesh of my flesh,
Not bone of my bone,
But nevertheless
My very own.
Never forget for a single minute,
You were born not under my heart
But in it.
This poem can be found rather often in connection with adoption. Its
origin is unknown, and there are numerous slightly different versions
of it, four of which I will list for you to decide which one you like
Not flesh of my flesh,
Not bone of my bone,
But you are the child
I will call my own.
Never forget for a minute -
You grew not under my heart
But in it.
Not flesh of my flesh,
Nor bone of my bone,
But still miraculously my own.
Don't forget for a single minute,
You grew not under my heart
But in it.
Not flesh of my flesh,
Nor bone of my bone.
But still undeniably my own.
Never forget, for even a minute,
You grew not under my heart,
But in it.
Not flesh of my flesh,
Nor bone of my bone,
But still Miraculously My Own,
And don't forget for a single minute,
You didn't grow under my heart but
In My Heart....
MSN Groups: Adoption. Posting by dutchygal, 14 April 2002
MSN Groups: All Areas of Adoption. Posting by daisychain, 12 June 2002
(in Google Cache)
Martha K., "Re: more thoughts on adoption issue" Online posting
(2000-11-18). <> via Google Groups.
ScoobyGang, "Adoption poem from mother to child" Online posting
(2001-12-08). <alt.ozdebate> via Google Groups.
Rubber Stamping Resource Page: Sayings about Children
Peggy's Intuition: God's Miracles
Search terms used:
"were born in my heart"
"under my heart" "in my heart"
"not flesh of my flesh" "but in it"
"born not under my heart"
Hope this is what you were looking for!
Very best regards,
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