Hi, johnster!
I know you have been giving very careful consideration to finding the
best treatment center for yourself. I also remember that you have some
specific needs and preferences for the types of people, programs and
activities offered. Therefore, I believe the following service
outlined below would be of great value to you.
The "Drug and Alcohol Rehab Service" provides confidential
consultations and referrals at no cost. Since you have already
narrowed down the playing field of treatment centers that interest
you, you might want to consult with their advisors about the pros and
cons of some specific facilities, as well as be open to any further
suggestions they might offer.
* You should be able to be very free and open about your needs and
desires in a treatment center (what types of people you want to be
grouped with, etc.) I know from your past questions that you are
looking for a center that caters to clients with more of a
professional background, you would like some recreational activities,
you want to find facilities that have a primary focus on alcoholism,
focus on small groups, etc)
Please refer to their website below:
"Drug and alcohol rehab services is a no-cost public benefit service
designed to help addicts, alcoholics, chronic relapse victims, and
their families find effective treatment and intervention for
alcoholism and drug addiction of the highest quality at no cost. There
are thousands of drug and alcohol rehabilitation organizations in this
county at the moment, and knowing which one to send your loved one to
is a daunting task. Does more expensive mean better drug treatment?
Does a drug and alcohol treatment center that comes up #1 in a search
in Yahoo mean it is the best treatment center for the addict? The
answer is no. We at Drug and Alcohol Rehab Services know our nation's
drug treatment centers inside and out, and can place your loved one
(at no charge) in the center most appropriate for them."
*** Again, johnster, I think this is an excellent opportunity for you
to "lay it all on the table", so to speak, and be as honest as you can
about what you want in a treatment facility. Once they provide you
with several names, you can then look further into each facility and
make a final decision.
THE ADDICTION RECOVERY GUIDE lists specific facilities on their
website, which "may" provide an indication of facilities that are more
highly regarded. The producer of the website is Lucy Waletzky, MD, a
practicing psychiatrist and a fellow of the American Psychiatric
Association. Again, this does not necessarily mean that these
facilities are the best, but I don't think such a reputable
organization would place questionable treatment centers on their
Addiction Recovery Guide
** Facilities with Descriptions (some of these will look familiar)
Addiction Institute of NY
Arms Acres
Behav. Health Palm Beaches
Betty Ford Center
Caron Foundation
Day Top
Fairview Recovery
Odyssey House
Phoenix House
Pride Institute
Sierra Tucson
Silver Hill
Support Systems Homes
Spencer Recovery
Turning Point
** Center Comparison Chart
Since you previously mentioned that you have family on the Eastern
Seaboard, please look again at Mountainside Treatment Center in
I gave them a phone call to make sure that they deal with alcohol
addiction, and the answer is "Yes."
See the Personal Letters sent to Mountainside by Senators Joseph
Lieberman and Chris Dodd:
Treatment Process
(I like their focus on Gender-Specific Groups)
Treatment Schedule
Adventure Based Initiatives
One other facility I came across in my search that has not been
mentioned before is the Comeback Treatment Center in California. It
has three campuses.
From the FAQ's:
"CTC offers several levels of drug addiction programs. Average
treatment time is 28-90 days. Special recovery packages range from a
21 day primary program to 1 year extended program. Sober living is
available indefinitely."
Drug & Alcohol Treatment & Recovery News (2/2004)
"The better treatment centers around the country are state licensed
and certified and must meet certain criteria and standards that
encourage a healthy, therapeutic environment. This is what CTC is all
about. However, state agencies cannot possibly dictate the quality of
a treatment center?s staff. The best treatment centers hand-pick their
staff according to experience, educational background, communication
skills, and especially their compassion abilities.
* "Comeback Treatment Center meets all the above standards."
* "The quality of the facilities and grounds are first class. The
curriculum and methods of therapy are state-of -the-art. But the
proudest component of CTC and what sets it apart from other treatment
centers is its people. While having helped thousands recover from drug
addiction and alcoholism, the philosophy of CTC stays the same: all
this company?s myriad resources go into serving the next client who
has a desire to change."
(Read more....
Treatment Programs
The Three Facilities
Referring Professionals
(scroll down for client testimonials dealing with alcohol)
List of message boards:
Addiction Recovery Guide
Some Facility Directories: (does not include ratings)
Addiction Resource Guide - Special Populations
Additional Reading
For some information about both the Promises and Passages Programs in Malibu:
Read "Ritzy vs. Reality Rehab," by Amy Sims. Fox News. (August 2002)
The following article is interesting but does not mention specific
treatment centers:
"Sobering Times for Treatment Centers," by Judy Bolyard Purdy.
University of Georgia Research. (Summer 2002)
Basic Information on Pharmacology and Use
"Antabuse is an aid in the management of appropriate patients who want
to remain in a state of enforced sobriety so that they can take the
best advantage of supportive and psychotherapeutic
treatment......Research has shown that if patients comply with a
regimen of this medication as part of a complete treatment plan,
Antabuse can help committed quitters - the patients who have made it
clear they do not want to drink again - achieve total abstinence from
Read "The Role of Antabuse (disulfiram) in the Treatment of Alcohol
Use Problems." Practical Healthcare Tomorrow. (May/June 2003)
Basic Information
"Psychosocial treatments for alcoholism have been shown to increase
abstinence rates and improve the quality of life for many alcoholics.
Nonetheless, a significant proportion of alcoholics find it difficult
to maintain initial treatment gains and eventually relapse to
problematic drinking. Some of these individuals can now be helped with
naltrexone, an opiate antagonist recently approved by the Food and
Drug Administration (FDA) to treat alcohol abuse disorders. When used
as an adjunct to psychosocial therapies for alcohol-dependent or
alcohol-abusing patients, naltrexone can reduce:
*The percentage of days spent drinking
*The amount of alcohol consumed on a drinking occasion
*Relapse to excessive and destructive drinking
"Naltrexone therapy improves treatment outcomes when added to other
components of alcoholism treatment. For patients who are motivated to
take the medication, naltrexone is an important and valuable tool. In
many patients, a short regimen of naltrexone will provide a critical
period of sobriety, during which the patient learns to stay sober
without it."
Read More: "Naltrexone And Alcoholism Treatment-Treatment Improvement
Protocol (TIP) Series 28."
One other thing that you might do.....after you have selected some
treatment centers, go on the different forum groups, type in the
names, and see what comes up (similar to the string I showed you
concerning Sierra Tucson) Personally, I don't think you get a great
perspective of valid opinions, but I certainly have not checked them
all! You might find some tidbits that make you decide for or against
one or the other.
You can try the Google groups page if you want:
Most of all, johnster, I wish you the very best of luck. You are
tackling a very difficult problem, but certainly not one that is
unbeatable. I send all my best wishes for you to find the will and
determination to combat your addiction. And...I admire your tenacity
in finding the center that is right for you. Just don't put if off too
If I can do anything more for you in the future, I will be happy to
help in whatever way that I can.
With utmost sincerity,
Search Strategy
alcohol rehab centers
alcoholics +treatment
best rehab facilities
Best alcohol treatment facilities
Looked on various message boards for the following:
Sierra Tucson
Betty Ford Center
Comeback Treatment Center
does antabuse work?
antabuse +success
naltrexone AND alcoholism |