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(PinkFreud) Tulip Mania
Category: Family and Home > Relationships Asked by: nronronronro-ga List Price: $10.00 |
17 Feb 2004 00:27 PST
Expires: 18 Mar 2004 00:27 PST Question ID: 307564 |
Hi PinkFreud ! Your tulip suggestions worked like a champ. I ordered 200 stems from the firm in Washington State for about a buck apiece. Bingo! Out of the dog house like pate through a goose. So, now I need a firm that sells French Tulips. (I'm planning ahead for my next screw up.) These French Tulips seem to be more expensive than the regular tulips. A 5-star answer would be two sites with cheap bulk flowers. ($1-$1.50 per stem would be great, but that may be too cheap on my part.) All comments greatly appreciated ! Thanks. ron |
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Re: (PinkFreud) Tulip Mania
Answered By: pinkfreud-ga on 17 Feb 2004 13:33 PST Rated: ![]() |
Ron, Thanks for accepting my answer. I don't think you are a cheapskate for wanting to pay a reasonable amount for tulips. A cheapskate would be a guy who sent a single tulip bulb, and expected his ladylove to supply the dirt and the pot. ;-) As I mentioned, my searches failed to turn up any inexpensive French tulips. This was the best price I found: $32.50 per bunch of 10 (white only): Fresh Flowers and More http://www.freshflowersandmore.com/fflr-tulips.html Here are some other, even more expensive options: $59.00 per bunch of 10 (white only): Flowerbud.com http://www.flowerbud.com/products.asp?catid=1&prodid=35 $45.00 per bunch of 10 (pink, not currently in stock): PostWish http://www.postwish.com/viewproduct.asp?iProductID=2753 $42.00 per bunch of 10 (yellow, not currently in stock): PostWish http://www.postwish.com/viewproduct.asp?iProductID=2780 $85.00 per bunch of 10 (yellow): 8 Colors Roses http://shop.store.yahoo.com/8colorsroses/noname31.html I found a site that apparently does not sell online, but which might be worth contacting if you want to arrange a bulk purchase. Brand Flowers, Inc. is a large greenhouse in Carpinteria, California. They carry French tulips, but no pricing is listed: Brand Flowers, Inc. 5300 Foothill Road Carpinteria, CA 93013 Fax: 805-684-1528 Tel: 1-800-549-0085, 805-684-5531 Brand Flowers http://www.brandflowers.com/05_guide_ft.html Here's another possibility for a bulk purchase. Sun Valley Floral is a grower of cut flowers in Arcata, California. They offer pink "Renown" French tulips: Sun Valley Floral http://www.sunvalleyfloral.com/flowers.cfm?t=fre1&pro=169&thumb=frtp You can enter your ZIP code here to find a wholesaler in your area: Sun Valley Floral http://www.sunvalleyfloral.com/zipsearch.cfm Google Web Search: "french tulips" ://www.google.com/search?hl=en&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&q=%22french+tulips This has been an educational experience. I had no idea that French tulips were such a high-end product. I shall certainly remember this in the unlikely event that my husband should ever be very, very naughty and need to make amends. Best wishes, Pink |
rated this answer:![]() PinkFreud----you crack me up ! Thanks, as always, for a terrific answer. ron |
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Re: (PinkFreud) Tulip Mania
From: pinkfreud-ga on 17 Feb 2004 12:01 PST |
Ron, French tulips are VERY pricey. This was the only place I found that sells fresh French tulips for less than $5 per stem: $32.50 per bunch of 10 (white only): Fresh Flowers and More http://www.freshflowersandmore.com/fflr-tulips.html Sorry I couldn't do better, but I just don't think there are any bargain-priced French tulips. :-( ~Pink |
Re: (PinkFreud) Tulip Mania
From: nronronronro-ga on 17 Feb 2004 12:54 PST |
Thanks for trying, PinkFreud ! Please post so I can pay you. Thanks again...ron the cheapskate |
Re: (PinkFreud) Tulip Mania
From: pinkfreud-ga on 18 Feb 2004 22:16 PST |
Ron, I forgot to mention something that I stumbled upon while searching for your tulips. These chocolate tulips would be a cute gift: Candy Warehouse http://www.candywarehouse.com/choctulbouqo.html A fancier version: Candy Bouquet http://www.1270.candybouquet.com/store/product_detail.php?pid=3137&cid=3121 They don't say that these are Dutch chocolate, but that would seem appropriate for tulips. ~Pink |
Re: (PinkFreud) Tulip Mania
From: nronronronro-ga on 18 Feb 2004 23:18 PST |
PinkFreud, Do they have Atkins Diet chocolate? heh heh heh Just kidding. I've ordered from the Candy Warehouse before; they do a great job, as evidenced by my physique. Thanks, PinkFreud. You are The Best ! ron |
Re: (PinkFreud) Tulip Mania
From: journalist-ga on 19 Feb 2004 12:17 PST |
Greetings Nronronronro! I'm in total agreement on your statement "PinkFreud----you crack me up !" and with the fact that her answers are always so entertaining and infomative. Bet you didn't know that she recently celebrated the answering of her 800th question! By the way, did your friends ever open their kennel business? If so, I hope it's going well and nice to see you again! Best regards, journalist-ga |
Re: (PinkFreud) Tulip Mania
From: nronronronro-ga on 19 Feb 2004 19:39 PST |
Hi Journalist ! They did indeed open the business. Check out www.onedaydog.com So far, business is booming! (I though the idea of super-expensive mutt training would be nutty. But I was completely wrong. It's selling like hot cakes...er..uh...hot dogs.) Thanks for all your help, Journalist. I know they appreciate it. ron |
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