Hello Bobrjr~
For a good basic online guide to making soap, check out ?How To Make
Soap From Scratch? from The Soapcrafter?s Company:
http://www.soapcrafters.com/makebase.htm This article lists the
needed supplies and equipment, and gives step-by-step, illustrated
directions. There are also soap recipes on this site:
Another website that may prove helpful is ?The Complete Guide To
Soapmaking? by Cole Farms, Inc.: http://www.colebrothers.com/soap/
The information given here is less concise, but includes chapters on
safely working with lye, specifics on molds, using a blender to create
soap, and soapmaking oils, plus troubleshooting and soap making links.
The basic equipment you?ll need includes:
? a scale
? a stainless steel pot
? plastic or stainless steel spoon
? plastic pitchers
? rubber gloves
? safety glasses or goggles
? a work apron
? a thermometer
In addition, a blender is a useful tool. (See the articles mentioned
above for specifics.)
You?ll also need:
? lye
? oil
? lard
* molds
and perhaps fragrance. (See the articles mentioned above for specifics.)
Before you begin, be sure to wear your safety equipment (glasses,
gloves, and apron), as lye is not something you want to play in.
According to a recipe given on the above websites, weigh the lye, add
water (but not hot water), and stir. It's best to do this outside,
since the mixture of lye and water creates a gas. The lye mixture must
?settle? for at least several hours. Then, weigh the fats, and heat
them on the stove. Take the fats off the stove and add the lye
mixture. Mix with a spoon (or better yet a blender). Measure out any
fragrance (essential oils) that you want to use. Stir into the
lye/fats mixture. Pour the entire mixture into molds. After 24 hours,
remove the soap from the molds.
For information on making glycerine soap, be sure to check out ?Melt &
Pour Glycerine Soap? from Lynden House International Inc.:
Have fun!
"How to" make soap
"how to" make glycerine soap
://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=%22how+to%22+make+glycerine+soap&btnG=Google+Search |