Hello again tnsdan-ga,
I?ve investigated Kentucky marriage laws and found out that your
friend can be legally married in Kentucky by a minister ordained by
the Universal Life Church. According to KRS 402.050 marriage may be
solemnized by ?ministers of the gospel or priests of any denomination
in regular communion with any religious society.? The ULC would
qualify under this provision.
I?m providing you with the link to the County Clerks? Guide to
Kentucky Marriage Law and I?ve included excerpts to the sections most
relevant to your question. It?s a short document and I recommend that
you read it in its entirety.
As I indicated in my earlier comment, your friend who will be the
designated minister can get an Instant Ordination online from the
Universal Life Church and meet the requirement that a Kentucky
marriage ?may be solemnized by ministers of the gospel or priests of
any denomination in regular communion with any religious society.? The
ULC website offers a large FAQ file to help your friend with planning
her informal wedding.
Best wishes for this joyous occasion.
~ czh ~
County Clerks' Guide to Kentucky Marriage Law
Form of license
Subsection (2) of KRS 402.100 provides for a marriage certificate,
which includes a statement by the person performing the marriage
ceremony that the ceremony was performed. That statement must include
the name and title of the person performing the ceremony, the names of
the persons married, the date and place of the marriage, and the names
of two witnesses. That marriage certificate shall also include a
statement by the person performing the marriage ceremony as to his
legal qualification under KRS Chapter 402 to perform the ceremony,
such statement to include the name of the county or city where his
license to perform Kentucky marriages was issued, or, in the case of
religious societies authorized by KRS 402.050(1)(c) to solemnize
marriages, the name of the city or county where the religious society
is incorporated. In view of the 1996 repeal of KRS 402.060, which had
required a minister or priest to obtain a license to perform a
marriage, that section of KRS 402.100(2) requiring the person
performing the marriage to set forth the county or city where his or
her license to perform marriage ceremonies was issued is no loner
applicable. The marriage certificate must also contain a dated
signature of the person performing the ceremony.
Solemnization of marriage
Who may solemnize
Marriage shall be solemnized only by clergy, justices and judges of
the Court of Justice, retired justices and judges of the Court of
Justice except those removed for cause or convicted of a felony,
county judge/executives, such justices of the peace and fiscal court
commissioners as the Governor or the county judge/executive
authorizes, and certain religious societies. See KRS 402.050(1)(a),
(b) and (c). A deputy county judge/executive has no authority to
solemnize a marriage. OAG 82-145. There is no provision in the statute
that a minister be at least eighteen years of age and thus the
qualifications of a minister, including age, are left up to the
particular religious denomination. OAG 80-256.
When license to perform marriages required
The provisions of KRS 402.060(1), which had required a minister or
priest who resided in Kentucky or who served as a minister or priest
in a place of worship in Kentucky to obtain a license and to post bond
to perform marriages in Kentucky, were repealed by the 1996 Regular
Session of the General Assembly (1996 Acts, Chapter 205, SB 68). At
the present time there are no licensing requirements applicable to
ministers or priests who wish to perform marriages in Kentucky.
402.050 Who may solemnize marriage ? Persons present.
(1) Marriage shall be solemnized only by:
(a) Ministers of the gospel or priests of any denomination in regular
communion with any religious society;
Instant Ordination
I've heard that ULC will ordain people as clergy. Is this true?
Yes. ULC will ordain anyone who asks no matter what the person's
gender, race, sexual preference, or spiritual belief might be or
whether an individual has no beliefs whatsoever. Officially the ULC
will ordain all that ask, without question of beliefs, granted for
life, without a fee! That is the official practice of the church
since its inception and is its practice to this day.
As ULC clergy, can I perform a wedding as other clergy do?
Generally, yes. ULC clergy can and do perform all of the usual duties
that other clergy do. Check with your local clerk of court or other
county official to see what the laws are in your state. They vary. You
should also check with ULC. Some cities may have local ordinances
requiring "pre-marital counseling" so you need to check on that status
as well.
Is my ordination legal?
This is the most common question received by the Monastery.
Rest-assured, your ordination is legal in all 50 states. As for
performing marriages: yes, you are legal to perform marriages. In
some states, registration beforehand is required. You can call your
local County Clerk to see whether or not you need to register. There
are some states that choose to take issue with registering ULC
ministers. This is their ignorance, not the law. It is acceptable,
when filling out your registration and the actual wedding license, to
put the phrase, ?non-denom? under the section ?denomination?. If this
is unacceptable to the Clerk?s office, they will let you know. This
may help avoid any conflict with people who doubt the validity of your
universal life minister
kentucky licensed ministers |