How does one obtain the rights to legally play copyrighted music in a
themed attraction (that is, a walk-through theatrical show such as a
haunted house, which is operated for profit?) I am aware that ASCAP
licenses these sorts of rights, but not "synch" rights... however, I
don't understand if a themed attraction fits under the "synch" rights
category the way a film or video would.
And how does playing copyrighted music in a themed attraction differ
from simply having a CD player on in the corner of a retail store,
playing a CD of copyrighted music for customers to listen to while
they shop? Or is there a difference at all? I've been in hundeds of
small stores where there was a copyrighted CD being played, yet I
can't imagine that all those storeowners actually obtained the rights
to legally perform that music in a commercial setting. Is there a law
involved here that technically should be followed, but in reality,
almost nobody bothers? |