Hello ideasandquestions,
Below you will find the results of my research regarding hospital
e-mail newsletters subscriptions.
Name: Carolinas Hospital System
Location: South Carolina
Name of Newsletter: N/A
Signup page: http://www.carolinashospital.com/About/JoinNews.asp
Name: Northeast Health System
Location: Massachusetts
Name of Newsletter: Touch Points
Signup page: http://www.nhshealth.org/index.cfm?Action=Education.NewsletterSignup
Name: Butler Hospital
Location: Providence, Rhode Island
Name of Newsletter: To Your Health
Signup page: http://www.regardinghealth.com/signup/butler/signup.asp?B0C1E7EA-DF52-4BA9-8059-A06C44C2E6D1
Name: UCLA Medical Center, Los Angeles
Location: California
Name of Newsletter: N/A
Signup page: http://www.healthcare.ucla.edu/international/newsletter/Current.htm
Name: Cleveland Clinic
Location: Cleveland, OH
Name of Newsletter: Family Matters
Signup page: https://www.clevelandclinic.org/registries/secure/subscribe.htm
Name: Duke University Medical Center
Location: Durham, NC
Name of Newsletter: Duke Health Line
Signup page: http://www.dukehealth.org/news/dukehealthline.asp
Name: St. Vincent Hospital
Location: Green Bay, Wisconsin
Name of Newsletter: St. Vincent Hospital Newsletter
Signup page: http://www.stvincenthospital.org/contact/hnsubscribe.php
Name: Mayo Clinic
Mayo Clinic Locations: Arizona | Florida | Minnesota
Name of Newsletter: Housecall
Signup page:
Name: Norwalk Hospital
Location: Norwalk, Connecticut
Name of Newsletter: Women's Health monthly e-newsletter
Signup page: http://www.norwalkhosp.org/website/nhssite.nsf/EMailRegistration?OpenForm
Name: VA Healthcare Network Upstate New York
Location: Upstate New York
Name of Newsletter: Websights
Signup page: http://www1.va.gov/visns/visn02/websights.html
Name: Texas Children's Hospital
Location: Texas
Name of Newsletter: Parents Connection
Signup page: http://www.texaschildrenshospital.org/Applications/EmailNewsletters/Default.aspx
Name: Children's Hospital and Regional Medical Center
Location: Seattle Washington
Name of Newsletter: Children's Online Health Connection
Signup page: http://www.seattlechildrens.org/child_health_safety/health_safety_resources/newsletters.asp
Name: Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
Location: New York
Name of Newsletter: Lately@MSKCC
Signup page: http://www.mskcc.org/mskcc/html/551.cfm
Name: Somerset Medical Center.
Location: Somerville, New Jersey
Name of Newsletter: Healthy Living
Signup page: http://www.somersetmedicalcenter.com/12874.cfm
Name: Cabell Huntington Hospital
Location: Huntington, West Virginia
Name of Newsletter: N/A
Signup page: http://www.cabellhuntington.org/newsletter/index.php
Name: California Pacific Medical Center
Location: San Francisco, California
Name of Newsletter: E-Health Newsletter.
Signup page: http://www.cpmc.org/
Name: VA Great Lakes Health Care System
Location: Northwestern Indiana, northern Illinois, Wisconsin and the
Upper Peninsula of Michigan.
Name of Newsletter: VA Chicago Links
Signup page: http://www.vagreatlakes.org/PUB/subscriptions.asp?pub=LINKS&step=sub1
Name: Children's Medical Center Foundation of Central Texas
Location: Texas
Name of Newsletter: N/A
Signup page: http://www.childrensaustin.org/?nd=newsletter
Name: University of Illinois Medical Center at Chicago
Location: Chicago, Illinois
Name of Newsletter: Consultants in Care
Signup page: http://www.uillinoismedcenter.org/content.cfm/cic
Name: Sutter Medical Center of Santa Rosa
Location: Santa Rosa, CA
Name of Newsletter: e-HealthNews
Signup page: http://www.suttersantarosa.org/
Name: Our Lady of Bellefonte Hospital
Location: Ashland, KY
Name of Newsletter: "Our Lady. Your News"
Signup page: http://www.olbhnews.com/subscribe.php
Name: Baptist Health System
Location: Alabama
Name of Newsletter: Health@BHS
Signup page: http://www.bhsala.com/newsletter/index.asp
Name: Advocate South Suburban Hospital
Location: Hazel Crest, Illinois
Name of Newsletter: Baby Talk
Signup page: http://www.advocatehealth.com/ssub/services/women/fbc.html
Name: The University of Michigan Health System
Location: Michigan
Name of Newsletter: Health-e News
Signup page:
Name: Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston
Location: Boston, MA
Name of Newsletter: BWH Health-E-Newsletter
Signup page: http://www.brighamandwomens.org/forms/newsletter/tellAFriend.asp
Name: Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia
Location: Philadelphia, PA
Name of Newsletter: N/A
Signup page: http://www.pennhealth.com/enews.html
Name: Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston
Location: Boston, MA
Name of Newsletter: N/A
Signup page: http://www.dfci.harvard.edu/newslettergetemail.asp
Name: Henry Ford Hospital
Location: Detroit, MI
Name of Newsletter: Medical Minute, Heart Smart
Signup page: http://www.henryfordhealth.org/19674.cfm
Name: St. Christopher's Hospital for Children,
Location: Philadelphia, PA
Name of Newsletter: N/A
Signup page: http://www.stchristophershospital.com/CWS/NewsletterRegistration.aspx
Name: Yale-New Haven Hospital
Location: New Haven, CT
Name of Newsletter: Health Link
Signup page: http://www.ynhh.org/healthlink/hl_signup.html
Name: Strong Memorial Hospital-University of Rochester, N.Y
Location: Rochester, N.Y
Name of Newsletter: ?Women?s HealthSource?
Signup page: http://www.stronghealth.com/services/womenshealth/womenshealth_hospitals/healthsourceform.cfm
Name: St. Jude Children's Research Hospital,
Location: Memphis, TN
Name of Newsletter: N/A
Signup page: http://www.stjude.org/pop-up/0,2834,639_3634_5376,00.html
Or on the bottom of this webpage
Name: Children's Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati
Location: Cincinnati, OH
Name of Newsletter: Young and Healthy
Signup page: https://secure.cchmc.org/mkt_magnets/request.asp
Name: Providence Holy Cross Medical Center
Location: Mission Hills, Calif.
Name of Newsletter: Wellness Watch
Signup page: https://www.providence.org/myaccount/RegistrationWizard.aspx
Name: Poudre Valley Hospital
Location:Fort Collins, Colo.
Name of Newsletter: Health eNews
Signup page: http://www.pvhs.org/news/healthenews/subscribe.php3
Name:University of Pennsylvania Health System
Location: Philadelphia, PA
Name of Newsletter: N/A
Signup page: http://www.uphs.upenn.edu/recovery/
Name: City of Hope Cancer Center
Location: Duarte, CA
Name of Newsletter: N/A
Signup page: http://www.cityofhope.org/newsletters/
Name: Mercy Health Partners
Location: Ohio
Name of Newsletter: N/A
Signup page:
Name: Detroit Medical Center
Location: Detroit, Michigan
Name of Newsletter: DMC Newsletter
Signup page: http://www.harperhospital.org/physician_referral/
(bottom left hand corner of the page)
Name: Phoenix Children?s Hospital
Location: Phoenix, AZ
Name of Newsletter: N/A
Signup page: http://www.phxchildrens.com/about/newsletter.html
Name: Mission Hospital
Location: Mission Viejo, California
Name of Newsletter: My Health
Signup page: http://www.missionforhealth.com/subscribe.html
Name: St. Joseph Hospital
Location: Orange, CA
Name of Newsletter: Heartbeat,
Signup page: http://www.sjo.org/frontpage/heartbeatcontact.htm
Name: Montgomery General Hospital
Location: Olney, MD
Name of Newsletter: N/A
Signup page: http://www.montgomerygeneral.com/about_us/subscription.asp
Name: Children?s Hospital Boston
Location: Boston, MA
Name of Newsletter: Children's Outlook
Signup page: http://www.childrenshospital.org/chnews/subscribe/
Name: University of Iowa Health Care
Location: Iowa City, Iowa
Name of Newsletter: health-e-newsletter
Signup page: http://mail.vh.org/mailman/listinfo/health-e-newsletter
Name: Crozer-Keystone Health System
Location: Philadelphia
Name of Newsletter: N/A
Signup page: https://secure.crozerehealth.org/index.php?opt_in_form=1
Name: MUSC Children?s Hospital
Location: Charleston, SC
Name of Newsletter: N/A
Signup page: http://www.musckids.com/news/parenting_newsletter.htm
Name: Lucile Packard Children's Hospital
Location: Palo Alto, California
Name of Newsletter: LPCH
Signup page: http://www.lpch.org/Newsletters/onlineNewsletter/newsletter.html
Name: Martha Jefferson Hospital
Location: Charlottesville, Virginia
Name of Newsletter: OCC Newsletter
Signup page: http://textonly.marthajefferson.org/php-bin/mailinglist/
Name: Des Peres Hospital
Location: St. Louis, MO
Name of Newsletter: N/A
Signup page: http://www.despereshospital.com/CWS/NewsletterRegistration.aspx
Name: Abbott Northwestern Hospital
Location: Minneapolis, MN
Name of Newsletter: In the Know
Signup page: http://www.abbottnorthwestern.com/ahs/cosmetic.nsf/page/news
Search criteria:
Subscribe OR sign newsletter hospital
Hospital OR medical center Subscribe E-Mail Newsletter
E-newsletter Subscription hospital
I also located e-newsletters by conducting individual searches at each
hospital at the following directories.
Hospital Soup Database
U.S. News Best Hospitals
I hope you find this information useful!
Best regards,
Bobbie7 |