Howdy camillalog-ga,
Simple logic circuits are also called logic gates. The UK
based Tiscali Reference work descibes them as such.
"In electronics, one of the basic components used in building
integrated circuits. The five basic types of gate make logical
decisions based on the functions NOT, AND, OR, NAND (NOT AND),
and NOR (NOT OR). With the exception of the NOT gate, each has
two or more inputs."
The TechTarget's what?com web site has a great web page that goes
into detail on the above five logic gates, and includes two more,
namely XOR and XNOR, as well.,,sid9_gci213512,00.html
"A logic gate is an elementary building block of a digital circuit.
Most logic gates have two inputs and one output."
The what?is page above has great logic charts, etc. that explain
the different gates and logic states those gates represent in far
better detail than I can present here.
If you need any clarification, feel free to ask.
Search Strategy: Personal knowledge plus:
Google search on: logic circuits NOR XOR
Google search on: "logic gate" "logic circuit"
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