Thank you for accepting my suggestion as the answer to your question.
I've reposted the material below.
A quote from Dr. Robert Jastrow, founder of NASA's Goddard Institute:
" ...the TV and FM broadcasts, let alone the radar from our defense
installations, are sending out a signal, a shell of radio energy that
signals that there is life on this planet, and that started in
intensity, oh, about 30 years ago, I would say, in the 1960s. And all
those I Love Lucy and Jack Parr shows are spreading out into the
cosmos, and it's been going on for thirty years at the million watt
level. So it's spread out thirty light years. And within thirty light
years there are some dozens of stars. And if they got the word thirty
years ago, they would be sending a reply back to us. And those who are
only fifteen light-years away, will have sent a message back fifteen
years ago, which should just about be reaching us today... I think
that mankind is on the threshold of entering a large cosmic
DayStar: Interview of the Week
I believe Dr. Jastrow has voiced this thought more than once. I recall
seeing a similar quote from him that was published in OMNI Magazine in
the late 1980s. I have not been able to locate that version of the
This is the search string that brought me the best results:
Google Web Search: "light years" + "i love lucy"
I hope this information is useful. If anything is unclear or
incomplete, please request clarification; I'll be glad to offer
further assistance before you rate my answer.
Best regards,
pinkfreud |