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Q: Foods that contain / produce PURINES which affect GOUT ( Answered 5 out of 5 stars,   5 Comments )
Subject: Foods that contain / produce PURINES which affect GOUT
Category: Health
Asked by: abiedj-ga
List Price: $20.00
Posted: 24 Feb 2004 14:38 PST
Expires: 25 Mar 2004 14:38 PST
Question ID: 310433
Gout is a medical condition caused by high uric acid levels & a
substance called "PURINES".  I would like to ask if you could put
together a list of foods that contain OR produce purines (or that are
VERY Bad for people with gout to eat) & rank them
in categories "VERY HIGH PURINES", "Medium purines", or "Not too bad".
 (or something along these lines)  Simple lists are available at a
number of sites but I was unable to compile a more comprehensive list.
 Thank you.
Subject: Re: Foods that contain / produce PURINES which affect GOUT
Answered By: pinkfreud-ga on 24 Feb 2004 16:12 PST
Rated:5 out of 5 stars
Although I do not have gout, I do need to watch my intake of foods
high in purines, since I have a history of kidney stones. This is one
of the best online lists I have seen:

kidney, beef
game meats (venison, etc.)
herring (including roe)
liver (calf or beef)
meat extracts

breads & cereals, whole grain
fish (fresh & saltwater)
legumes (kidney beans, navy & lima beans, lentils, peas)
meat (beef, lamb, pork, veal)
meat soups & broths
peas, green
pork (including ham)
poultry (chicken, duck, turkey)
shellfish (crab, lobster, oysters)
wheat germ & bran

beverages (coffee, tea, sodas, cocoa)
bread & cereal (except whole grain)
fish roe (including caviar)
fruits & fruit juices
milk (including butter, condensed, malted)
nuts (including peanut butter)
pasta (evaluate sauce ingredients separately)
sugars, syrups, sweets
vegetables (except those above)
vegetable & cream soups 
	(made with acceptable vegetables. but not with beef stock)"

Dalmatian Club of America: Purine-Yielding Foods

Here are three more good lists:

The Analyst: Low Purine Diet

VitaCost: Low-Purine Diet

Marin Urology: Foods Rich in Purines

You'll find some useful charts on these three sites:

Dial a Dietitian: Purine Content of Foods

Camino Medical: Nutritional Care Guidelines for Gout

University of Oxford: Purines in Foods

For a more comprehensive list of the purine content of foods, you may
want to purchase a book entitled "Gout Hater's Cookbook: Recipes Lower
in Purines and Lower in Fat. (Reachment Publications; 2000). It
contains detailed charts of foods that are high, moderate, and low in
purines. Many tasty recipes that avoid high-purine foods are included.

Reachment Publications

Google Web Search: "purine OR purines" + "food" + "high" +  "low"

I hope this helps! If anything is unclear, please request
clarification; I'll gladly offer further assistance before you rate my

Best regards,

Request for Answer Clarification by abiedj-ga on 29 Mar 2004 20:56 PST
I'm just curious about the "Beans" section & things I've read.  Is
Tofu / Soy bean products considered Moderately high or a Low Purine
food?  Although beans themselves are listed in the middle, I've read
some of the articles that suggest tofu / soy products is a good source
of protein for gout sufferers.

Finally as dancethecon-ga  suggested, is it true that everyones body
chemistry reacts differently to the purines in some foods than others
or is it really strictly based on the amount of purines that
particular food has....period?  Thanks again.

Clarification of Answer by pinkfreud-ga on 30 Mar 2004 11:53 PST
Tofu is sometimes mentioned as a suitable meat substitute for gout patients:

"one study of gout patients suggested that eating tofu, which is made
from soybeans and is a source of complete protein, may be a better
choice than meats."

University of California at Davis

I believe this is the study of gout patients mentioned in the source above:

"The effect of Tofu (bean curd) ingestion on uric acid metabolism was
examined in 8 healthy and 10 gout subjects. Ingestion of Tofu
increased plasma concentration of uric acid, together with increases
in uric acid clearance and urinary excretion of uric acid. However,
the increase in plasma concentration of uric acid was fairy small.
Interestingly, no significant rise in the plasma, urinary and
clearance of uric acid was observed in gout patients with uric acid
clearance > 6.0 mL/min (lower normal limit). The results suggest that
tofu is a preferable source of protein, especially in gout patients
with uric acid clearance > 6.0 mL/min."


However, other reference sources discourage the use of soy products altogether:

"You should avoid bean products including soya milk, tofu,
beansprouts, bean paste, etc. as they all have fairly high purine

Nutrition: Topic - Gout

Here's a page that contains a comprehensive nutritional breakdown of soybeans:

Internet Symposium on Food Allergens: Composition of Soybeans

You'll note that the purine content of dried soybeans is 380 mg per
100 g. In view of this, moderation in consuming soy products is
advisable for gout patients. Although tofu does appear to be better
than meat, it's still rather high in purines, and shouldn't be eaten
in large quantities by persons with gout.

It's true to a certain extent that everyone's body chemistry reacts
differently to foods. But the similarities among us are greater than
the differences. Those of us who are on special diets tend to learn
over a period of years what we can and cannot eat; sometimes we learn
the hard way, after a painful episode. My own experience with purine
restriction has taught me that, in my case, it's best to err on the
side of caution. My personal opinion is that no food is so tasty as to
be worth the unpleasantness that can follow a major dietary

Best wishes,
abiedj-ga rated this answer:5 out of 5 stars
Answered quickly & precisely with lots of references, thank you.

Subject: Re: Foods that contain / produce PURINES which affect GOUT
From: dancethecon-ga on 24 Feb 2004 19:48 PST
Dear pinkfreud,

Do you drink much tea? When I was in my mid-20s, I had a couple bouts
of kidney stones, including one that landed me in the hospital for 10
days. I was drinking lots of iced tea daily--I drank it unsweetened,
so no calorie worries--and my doctor determined that my high iced tea
intake was the cause of my kidney stones (which were calcium oxcilate,
if I recall correctly). I cut back on the tea dramatically, and never
had another stone.

Your body chemistry could be far different from mine, so tea might not
cause precipitates in your kidneys. But it's something to consider,
just in case.

Here's hoping neither of us experiences that pain again!

Subject: Re: Foods that contain / produce PURINES which affect GOUT
From: dancethecon-ga on 24 Feb 2004 23:04 PST
Oops! I meant "calcium oxalate." Sorry about that.
Subject: Re: Foods that contain / produce PURINES which affect GOUT
From: pugwashjw-ga on 25 Feb 2004 04:41 PST
As a sufferer, may I add my two cents worth.. The things to avoid are
broccoli, peas, as many spices and condiments as possible, chocolate,
strawberries, salad dressings. I`ve never had any problems with meat,
all types, gravies and breads, as suggested by Pinkfroyd, but that`s
not saying she is wrong. Different people are affected different ways.
But there is one very important aspect that should not be overlooked.
Gout indicates that the spleen and kidneys are not working properly in
excreting URIC ACID, and therefore it builds up and the body has to
store it somewhere. The most convenient place is in the main joint of
the big toes and causes excruciating pain. Ask any sufferer. Do not
ignore it as it can lead to Lymphocytic cancer given time. The best
current treatment is a daily pill of PROGOUT, by presc ription from
your G.P. Hope this helps.
Subject: Re: Foods that contain / produce PURINES which affect GOUT
From: research_help-ga on 25 Feb 2004 06:08 PST
As someone who suffers from both kidney stones and gout, I have some
comments. First, too much of anything is not good for you.  Kidney
stones can be caused just as easily by too much brocolli as it can by
too much red meat.
There are 2 types of people that have uric acid problems:
over-producers and under-excreters.  Your doctor can do tests to try
to figure out which one you are. There are medicines that you can take
(allopurinol), but there are some issues to consider such as the
possible side effect of liver damage and the fact that once one you
start allopurinol you must take it for the rest of your life.
Ofcourse everyone is different, but some things that have helped me
and seem to help many others is drinking lots of water and dark
colored fruits such as cranberries, cherries, etc in fruit or juice
Subject: Re: Foods that contain / produce PURINES which affect GOUT
From: abiedj-ga on 29 Mar 2004 21:04 PST
Has anyone heard of the cherry pills working instead of drinking
cherry / cranberry juice?  Any success stories there?

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