What I am looking for are a set of handbells, not chimes, not belle
plates. I am looking for traditional handbells (or, it might be
spelled with two words as hand bells) made of brass or bronze or the
like. As I understand, there are three companies who are the main
ones in the field, I think. They are Schulmerich, Malmark and Suzuki.
Presently there is available a children's version of handbells,
available through places like Rhythm Band Instruments of Ft. Worth,
Texas. I think Suzuki is the one who makes these. These are a lower
grade metal (maybe aluminum??), come in a set of 20 bells (which
covers about an octave and a half), and run for $100.
I am looking for a range of 40 to 60 bells. This would cover three or
four octaves. I looked high and low to be able to get this in the
children's bells. No one had them. So, I decided that the only way I
would get a set of 40 to 60 bells would be to go to the normal
traditional brass bells. The only problem with that is that they are
tremendously expensive. For example, a set of 40 such bells could run
about $7,500, which is way more than I want to pay.
What I would like to find is a used set that is in reasonably decent
condition. Ideally, I would like to get these for under $1,000. A
bit ambitious, yes.
I have tried to find these on my own, on the Internet. It seems that
there is not much activity in either the selling or buying of used
handbells. E-bay, for example, did not have any available. Yes, they
had handbell sheet music or handbell accessories of some sort, but not
an actual handbell set. By the way, handbells probably should be
purchased together as a common set rather than from multiple sources,
since the ring quality should be fairly consistent among all the bells
in a set. |
Clarification of Question by
26 Feb 2004 05:07 PST
(Additional informaiton)
Alan Lohr who recently was elected national secretary/treasurer of the
Handbell Industry Council. His phone number, if you would like to
speak with him, is 800-258-7288 and his email alohr@soundforth.com.
Here is what he said:
"On rare occasions, you find someone selling a set of bells on E-bay.
There is always apprehension in the handbell circles as to whether or
not the bells are worth anything. Most of them are old European bells
that have been adapted with modern ringing mechanisms. They are not
worth any time or money.
"Sometimes a legitimate set appears and they are usually 'snatched' quickly.
"I usually suggest that one contact Malmark (800-426-3235) or
Schulmerich (800-772-3557), the two American handbell manufacturers,
and get a name of their sales rep for your area. That person can tell
you of churches that have bells that either no longer use their bells
or are looking to purchase a newer set. Sometimes, they even get a
good lead on someone who wants to sell their bells.
"You are well aware of the new purchase price for bells and I hate to
tell you, but I have never seen a two or three octave set sell used
for under $1000."