Dear Hibru,
The Galopera is a folk dance from Paraguay where a woman may balance a
pitcher or a jug on their head while they dance.
? (..) La Galopera, a famous dance wherein women balance bottles and
water jars on their heads in a demonstration of grace and balance.?
Berta Gauto & Panambi Verá: Paraguayan Dance Group
?This beautiful and lively folk dance represents well the warm,
soulful music of landlocked Paraguay.?
Joplin Sweeney Music Company
Galopera, also know as Galope is Paraguayan rhythm similar to the Polka.
Source: Pacoweb
From a website in Spanish:
Galopera: ?Es el baile que realiza una danzarina sola o en grupo,
sosteniendo muchas veces un cántaro o una botella, con gran
equilibrio. Según se supone, esto viene de las campesinas que llevaban
sus bultos en la cabeza para poder transportarlos.?
Galopa: ?Es una gran fiesta popular donde bailan las galoperas. En
estas fiestas también hay otras actividades de esparcimiento.?
Here is the web translation of the above made by Babelfish
Galopera: ?A dance that a single dancer makes or in group, often
maintaining a pitcher or a bottle, with great balance. According to
one assumes, this comes from the farmers who took their bulks in the
head to be able to transport them.?
Galopa: ?It is a great popular celebration where they dance the
galoperas. In these celebrations also there are other activities of
From another Spanish website:
?Danza tradicional, colectiva sin trama coreográfica de conjunto. Se
conoce también con el nombre de Raida Poty (mujer campesina que lleva
las ropas tradicionales y viste pulcra). El origen de esta danza viene
de las fiestas patronales de los pueblos del interior del país. La
danza de la Galopera no posee música fija, es aprovechada cualquier
música con ritmo de polca paraguaya o galopa. Las piezas son
interpretadas generalmente por una banda, repitiéndose la misma
composición infinidad de veces. La más célebre de las composiciones
musicales escritas para el género es: La Galopera de Mauricio Cardozo
Source: Web Escuela
Here is the web translation of the above made by Babelfish
?Traditional dance without much choreography. The origin of this dance
comes from the supervisory celebrations of the towns of the rear area.
The dance of the Galopera does not have fixed music, is taken
advantage of any music with Paraguayan rate polka or galopa. The
pieces are interpreted generally by a band, having repeated themselves
the same composition infinity of times. Most famous of the written
musical compositions is: The Galopera de Mauricio Cardozo Ocampo.?
Search criteria:
?Galopera es?
Galopera dance
Galopera Paaguay
I hope you find this helpful!
Best regards,
Bobbie7 |