Dear barrys,
The details of the story are a bit different. It is correct that a
particular German war criminal was discovered and his photo album with
pictures from his time as an SS officer in Treblinka Concentration
Camp was found. It is also correct that he had given his album the
title "Schöne Zeiten", that means "Wonderful Times", which can in
German indeed have the meaning "The best time of my life". Actually, I
really found this as a translation for the album title in one source.
However, the war criminal was not arrested in Argentina, but in
Germany, where he had managed to live unidentified for many years. And
also, he was not arrested by the Israeli Secret Service, but by German
authorities. The war criminal's name was Kurt Hubert Franz.
Kurt Hubert Franz was born on 17 January 1914 in Düsseldorf. In his
home town, he visited the extended elementary school from 1920-1928
and was then trained as a cook in a Hotel. After military service
(1935-37), he joined the Waffen-SS, served as guard at Buchenwald
concentration camp and was ordered here to the camp's headquarters to
serve as cook. Though he belonged to the armed elite force of the Nazi
Party, he never became a member of the National Socialist Party or any
affiliated organizations.
On 30 January 1940 he was promoted SS-Unterscharführer (Sergeant). In
spring 1942, he was transferred to the Generalgouvernement (occupied
From spring 1942 he served in Belzec, and from midsummer 1942 in
Treblinka where he took over Ukrainian guard squads and rose to be
deputy camp commandant. Finally, from 27 August 1943 to November 1943,
he was the commandant of Treblinka Concentration Camp. According to
all sources known, he was the personified terror, a murderer and a
sadist who made the prisoners' lives a nightmare.
After his time in Treblinka, he was transferred to occupied
Yugoslavia. Imprisoned by US Forces after the war, he could escape
from prison and worked again as a cook in Germany, unrecognized.
However, German investigators found and arrested him on 2 December
When Franz was arrested, a police search of his apartment discovered a
photograph album, showing a number of photographs from his Treblinka
and euthanasia days called "Schöne Zeiten". It included, among others,
pictures of a grab used for loading corpses onto pyres and of mass
The album was used as evidence against Kurt Franz in the First
Treblinka Trial. The German Landgericht Düsseldorf court sentenced him
to life imprisonment on 3 September 1965.
Kurt Franz was released due to old age and health problems in
mid-1993. He died on 4 July 1998 in an old people's home in Wuppertal,
Rudolf Hess, by the way, was neither killed in the war nor was he
arrested in Argentina. Actually, he secretly flew from Germany to
London on 10 May 1941 to arbitrarily start peace negotiations with the
British government, without authorization by Adolf Hitler. The British
were not interested in Hess' proposals and arrested him as a war
criminal. After the war, he was sentenced to life imprisonment at the
Nuremburg Trial. He was imprisond at the Allied War Criminal Prison in
Spandau (Berlin), where he finally was the only inmate left. On 17
August 1987, at the age of 93, he committed suicide.
Aktion Reinhard Camps: The Treblinka Perpetrators
Aktion Reinhard Camps: The Franz Photo Story
Aktion Reinhard Camps: Treblinka Trials
The Holocaust History Project: Kurt Franz
Human Rights Project: Atrocities Conference - The Legacy of Nuremberg
Las Vegas Sun: Where I Stand - Mike O'Callaghan: Be a voice for the dead
Deutsches Historisches Museum: Rudolf Heß
Michael Sells, "Treblinka Commandant, Kurt "schoenen zeite" Franz
freed, Why?" Online posting (1993-08-20). <soc.culture.german> via
Google Groups.
Search terms used:
"best years of my life" "war criminal"
"kurt franz" treblinka
"Kurt Franz" treblinka album
"kurt franz" photoalbum
treblinka "schöne zeiten"
treblinka "schöne zeiten"
"kurt franz" "in the cook"
"kurt franz" "schöne zeiten"
"rudolf hess"
Hope this answers your question!
Best regards,
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