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Is Adult ADD considered a legal disability & what resources are available?
Category: Reference, Education and News Asked by: debmargal-ga List Price: $20.00 |
26 Feb 2004 15:30 PST
Expires: 27 Mar 2004 15:30 PST Question ID: 311203 |
I live in Seattle, and wonder whether there are any unemployment or disability benefits available, or education grants, for adults with ADD. I have always worked on a contract basis, where I wasn't "keyholed" into certain hours, just paid by the job. I'm now at a job, where I get in trouble if I am 5 min late, and if you aren't ADD yourself, you can't imagine the anxiety over just worrying about whether I can make it in time. That is not the only issue - this job and me may not be the best fit, and I may lose it because of that. If I do, are there any disability benefits, or educational grants I can take advantage of, to get re-trained in a field that best fits me? Specifically, perhaps a 2 year accounting degree, so I can work and support myself by doing independant bookkeeping from home. I am good at that. I'm just not good about getting to a job at 8:00am, doing X task from 8:00 - 9:00, etc, and Im setting myself up to fail, like putting a square peg in a round hole. I need a career with more independant work and flexibility. I have been on ADD medication, and counseling, for about a year now, and it has helped, but I am still struggling and feel like I am always on a treadmill. |
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Re: Is Adult ADD considered a legal disability & what resources are available?
Answered By: majortom-ga on 26 Feb 2004 20:42 PST |
Hello Debmargal, The primary piece of legislation applicable to your situation is the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Whether or not you have a disability protected under the ADA depends upon whether or not your ADD significantly restricts you from performing a major life activity, such as the ability to care for oneself, to perform manual tasks, to walk, to see, to hear, to speak, to breathe, to learn, or to work. If you are covered under the ADA, your employer cannot discriminate against you if you are able to perform the essential functions of the position with or without reasonable accommodations. (Provided your employer has 15 or more employees) For a very detailed plain English explanation of how this works, see the ADD Adults Pocket Guide to Anti-Discrimination Law: http://add.about.com/gi/dynamic/offsite.htm?site=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.padda.org%2FADDanti.html Regarding Assistance: Washington State has a Department of Vocational Rehabilitation designed to assist disabled residents with training, getting, and keeping employment. Unfortunately, they have a waiting list. They are mandated to select those most disabled from the list first. You may have a long wait for services, but they are one avenue you might pursue: http://www1.dshs.wa.gov/dvr/ Education: If you decide to pursue a degree, your college or university will also be subject to anti-discrimination laws. Your school will need to provide accommodations such as extended test-taking time if you make a showing that they are necessary. Here is an outline of disability law and post-secondary education, from the Pacer Center: http://add.about.com/gi/dynamic/offsite.htm?site=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.pacer.org%2Fpride%2F504.htm Your school may have an office designated for handling disability-related matters, such as this one at Seattle Central Community College: http://seattlecentral.edu/dept/accommodate.php You may want to check with your prospective schools about what services are available before choosing a program. Also take a look at what scholarships or grants are available through the financial aid departments of the schools to which you are applying. Don?t forget that federal grant or loan money is always an option. You can borrow money at an extremely low interest rate right now, and student loans have very forgiving forbearance and deferment policies. Here?s the Free Application For Financial Aid (FAFSA) website: http://www.fafsa.ed.gov/ For more assistance, you might consider contacting a support group in your area, such as The Puget Sound Adult ADD Association Meets the third Wednesday, 7 p.m. Plaza Cafe, Room B, University Medical Center,Univ. of Washington. Contact Carol Flannigan, (206) 322-4413 or Ron Stein (206) 634-3122 Other Support Groups in WA State, from About.com: http://add.about.com/library/blwashington.htm About.com page on Adult ADD: http://add.miningco.com/cs/foradults/index_2.htm I strongly urge you to get legal help from someone locally ? Washington State Protection and Advocacy provides information about disability rights, as well as referrals: http://www.wpas-rights.org/ I have enjoyed researching this answer for you. Please let me know if there is anything else you need and feel free to request clarification before rating this answer. Regards, Majortom ----------------------- Google Search Methodology Adult ADD ADA Seattle Central Community College disability advocates washington state |
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Is Adult ADD considered a legal disability & what resources are available?
From: deedub-ga on 17 Mar 2004 18:03 PST |
I've worked with various people with ADHD/ADD, full or borderline. I'd recommend using the resources of the community colleges, state vocational rehabilitation agency, and perhaps mental health agencies to figure out what job would really work for you. Maybe independent bookkeeping *is* the right job -- who am I to say what is best for you? -- but there are aspects of that field that do not jive with ADHD/ADD. A full career make-over may get you onto path that builds on your past experience and makes good use of the positive aspect of your ADD. One employer's "ADD" is another's "Damn! That guy's got great energy! Give him a raise!" And, on the other hand, many employees feel the promises of the ADA and other anti-discrimination legislation are pretty close to empty. |
Re: Is Adult ADD considered a legal disability & what resources are available?
From: debmargal-ga on 18 Mar 2004 16:50 PST |
Actually, it is more the "independant" part that works best for me, because I feel like I am always on a treadmill and not getting anywhere, that not being tied down to someone elses expected schedule works well for me. General deadlines, such as turning in a form by Mar 31st is no problem, but getting somewhere at 8:30 am presents much more of a challenge. Of course, the entire thing is not about being late to work - there is much more to it than that, its that the bookkeeping situation is where I'm at right now, and I'm trying to work with that. I see your point - where some of the aspects of this job woudln't jive with ADD - and in thinking it over - I do best with very loose supervision, in that I'd hate to be 100% responsible for handling the accounting for a company, but I don't work well with a timeclock. I like to do my job - no matter how long it takes, when I start, or when I finish, and work best when I have the freedom to set those boundaries myself. I've been sitting here all day NOT getting to a huge invoice recon that I should be doing, but probably tomorrow I'll bust ass and won't tear myself away from it. A full career makeover is a very good idea - but starting from scratch at 38 is a scary concept. |
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