Hello Maxi_Prince--
Thanks for your clarification and additional information. I have
carefully researched your question and have your answer.
I conducted a detailed search into which sites appeared to have the
most cake recipes on the Internet. I then conducted a detailed search
into which sites offer the most tutorials in interior design and
First, I conducted a Google search using the following terms: cake recipes
You may view the results of my search online. The link is
The website AllRecipes.com appears to have the most cake recipes at
more than 2,000 of them! This should definitely get you started! The
link to this site is http://cake.allrecipes.com/
As you'll see when you visit that site, you can click on a particular
type of cake and learn how to make and bake it from top to bottom.
This site also allows you to search its cake database to find the cake
you're looking for.
I also found some other good cake sites for you:
A private cake recipe collection: http://www-2.cs.cmu.edu/~mjw/recipes/cake/
The PastryWiz Website: http://www.pastrywiz.com/archive/category/cake.htm
A Mega-Cake Index: http://www.virtualcities.com/ons/0rec/03cake.htm
Next, I searched for the sites that offer the most tutorials in
interior design and interior decoration. To do this, I conducted a
Google Search for the following terms: "how to" "interior design"
You may view the results of my search online. The link is
Further, I searched using the following terms: "interior design" tutorials
You may view the results of this search online. The link is
Based on my analysis of the sites produced in my research, It appears
the site Interior Dezine.com offers by far the most extensive
tutorials and research available for you in how to design and
decorate. You may visit this site online. The link is
This site will walk you through the basics of interior decorating and
will even go through more detailed explanations of how to do it.
I found some other sites, too, that may complement this site and also help you:
Redecorating Tips & Advice
Designer Tips: Common Decorating Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
About.com's Interior Design Section
Interior Design as a career
Please let me know if you need any clarification or additional
information, by clicking the "clarify" button.
darrel-ga |