Clarification of Answer by
27 Feb 2004 14:26 PST
No problem. I?ll try to explain it here for you and if you think it?s
worthy you may add whatever additional you wish when you rate, rather
than trouble you to open a new question ? how?s that? If it doesn?t
significantly enhance your knowledge of the subject, you are of course
under no obligation to add anything. The choice is yours.
The sequence of how it came about was actually rather odd in today?s
terms, but given the communication technology of the day it is
certainly understandable. You see, following the attack on Pearl
Harbor, Britain, already embroiled in war with Germany, technically
declared war on Japan three days before the United States formally did
it. Britain?s declaration of war against Japan for attacking her ally
came on December 8, 1941.
The United States, on December 11, 1941, publicly announced that a
state of war had existed between it and the empire of Japan since
December 7, 1941 (basically, four days retroactively declaring war on
Japan). Knowing the value of help in this crisis from willing allies
and seeing the need to show support for Britain in order to obtain
support from Churchill, the United States, largely in response to
Britain?s prompt declaration of war on Japan, expanded it?s
declaration to officially include Germany and Italy, the Nazi?s chief
So, you see, Britain was already at war with Japan from virtually the
same instant the United States entered into war with them (and even
before, if one wants to get really technical about it).
To give you a better view of how and in what sequence the war
declarations came into being, here is a brief list of ?who-who? in
World War II:
Great Britain on Germany .............................. Sept. 3, 1939, 11 A.M.
France on Germany ...................................... September 3, 1939, 5 P.M.
India on Germany ........................................ September 3, 1939
Australia on Germany .................................... September 3, 1939
New Zealand on Germany ............................. September 3, 1939
Union of South Africa on Germany................... September 6, 1939
Canada on Germany ..................................... September 10, 1939
Norway and Germany ................................... No formal
declaration of war
Belgium and Germany .................................. No formal
declaration of war
Luxembourg and Germany ............................ No formal declaration of war
The Netherlands on Germany ........................ May 10, 1940
Italy on France ............................................ June 10, 1940
Canada on Italy ........................................... June 10, 1940
New Zealand on Italy ................................... June 11, 1940
Australia on Italy .......................................... June 11, 1940
Union of South Africa on Italy ........................ June 11, 1940
Greece on Italy ............................................ October 28, 1940
Germany and Greece .................................... No formal
declaration of war
Germany on Yugoslavia ................................. April 6, 1941
Italy and Yugoslavia ...................................... No formal
declaration of war
Yugoslavia on Bulgaria ................................... April 6, 1941
Yugoslavia on Hungary .................................. April 10, 1941
Bulgaria on Greece ........................................ April 24, 1941
Bulgaria on Yugoslavia ................................... April 24, 1941
Germany on U.S.S.R. ..................................... June 22, 1941
Italy on U.S.S.R. ........................................... June 22, 1941
Rumania on U.S.S.R. ..................................... No formal
declaration of war
Finland on U.S.S.R. ....................................... No formal
declaration of war
Hungary on U.S.S.R. ..................................... June 27, 1941
Albania on U.S.S.R. ....................................... June 29, 1941
Great Britain on Finland ................................. Dec. 7, 1941
Great Britain on Rumania ............................... Dec. 7, 1941
Great Britain on Hungary ............................... Dec. 7, 1941
Canada on Finland ........................................ Dec. 7, 1941
Canada on Rumania ...................................... Dec. 7, 1941
Canada on Hungary ...................................... Dec. 7, 1941
Australia on Finland ....................................... Dec. 8, 1941
Australia on Rumania ..................................... Dec. 8, 1941
Australia on Hungary ..................................... Dec. 8, 1941
Union of South Africa on Finland ..................... Dec. 8, 1941
Union of South Africa on Rumania ................... Dec. 8, 1941
Union of South Africa on Hungary .................... Dec. 8, 1941
New Zealand on Finland ................................. Dec. 7, 1941
New Zealand on Hungary ............................... Dec. 7, 1941
New Zealand on Rumania ............................... Dec. 7, 1941
Japan on the United States ............................. Dec. 7, 1941
Japan on the British Empire ............................ Dec. 7, 1941
Great Britain on Japan ................................... Dec. 8, 1941
The United States on Japan ............................ Dec. 8
Canada on Japan .......................................... Dec. 8, as
of Dec. 7, 1941
Costa Rica on Japan ...................................... Dec. 8, 1941
Dominican Republic on Japan ......................... Dec. 8, 1941
Guatemala on Japan ...................................... Dec. 8, 1941
Haiti on Japan ............................................... Dec. 8, 1941
Honduras on Japan ........................................ Dec. 8, 1941
El Salvador on Japan ...................................... Dec. 8, 1941
Panama on Japan .......................................... Dec. 8, 1941
Cuba on Japan .............................................. Dec. 9, 1941
The Netherlands on Japan .............................. Dec. 8, 1941
The Netherlands Indies on Japan ..................... Dec. 8, 1941
China on Japan .............................................. Dec. 9, 1941
China on Germany .......................................... Dec. 9, 1941
China on Italy ................................................. Dec. 9, 1941
Union of South Africa on Japan ........................ Dec. 8, 1941
Australia on Japan .......................................... Dec. 8, 1941
Free France on Japan ..................................... Dec. 8, 1941
Germany on the United States ......................... Dec. 11, 1941
Italy on the United States ................................ Dec. 11, 1941
The United States on Germany ......................... Dec. 11, 1941
The United States on Italy ............................... Dec. 11, 1941
Costa Rica on Germany and Italy ...................... Dec. 11, 1941
Guatemala on Germany and Italy ..................... Dec. 11, 1941
Cuba on Germany and Italy ............................. Dec. 11, 1941
Nicaragua on Germany, Italy and Japan ............ Dec. 11, 1941
Poland on Japan ............................................. Dec. 11, 1941
Dominican Republic on Germany and Italy ......... Dec. 11, 1941
Haiti on Germany and Italy ............................... Dec. 12, 1941
Honduras on Germany and Italy ........................ Dec. 12, 1941
El Salvador on Germany and Italy ...................... Dec. 12, 1941
Panama on Germany and Italy ............................ Dec. 12, 1941
Rumania on the United States ........................... Dec.12, 1941
Bulgaria on the United States ............................ Dec. 13, 1941
Bulgaria on Great Britain .................................. Dec. 13, 1941
Hungary on the United States ........................... Dec. 13, 1941
Czchoslovakia on all countries at a state of war with Great Britain,
the United States, or the U.S.S.R.
................................................ Dec. 16, 1941
Albania on the United States ............................. Dec. 17, 1941
Nicaragua on Bulgaria, Hungary, and Rumania ... Dec. 20, 1941
Belgium on Japan ............................................ Dec. 20, 1941
Haiti on Bulgaria, Hungary, and Rumania ........... Dec. 24, 1941
Great Britain on Bulgaria ................................... Dec. 27,
1941, as of Dec. 13, 1941
The Netherlands on Italy .................................. Dec. 30,
1941, as of Dec. 11, 1941
Union of South Africa on Bulgaria ....................... Dec. 31,
1941, as of Dec. 13, 1941
I hope this answers your question about how Britain became involved in
the pacific theater during World War II and how your brave souls ended
up having to endure the one of the greatest nightmares in recorded
history. May God bless them all ? each and every one.