Where can i Buy "Salem Silver Label (Salem Silver Label Cool Myst,
Fire & Ice, Dark Currents or Deep Freeze)" cigarette's in or near the
19014 zipcode, (Near Aston, PA)? |
Request for Question Clarification by
28 Feb 2004 13:46 PST
Hi denoms,
I have located a direct source, although not in Pennsylvania, where
you can call toll-free to order these cigarettes from.
Would this information interest you?
Clarification of Question by
28 Feb 2004 21:57 PST
Well thank you Rainbow, but that depends. How old do I have to be to
order from this source? I am 20, and though the legal age to buy
cigarettes in Pennsylvania is 18, the legal age to order directly from
the salem site( or even create an account on the site) is 21. Also can
i buy by the pack or do I need to buy a carton?(well... that doesn't
really matter.) So i guess what it comes down to is if I need to be 21
to order from the source then no thank you, but otherwise, please let
me know of the number and thanks agian.
Request for Question Clarification by
29 Feb 2004 01:06 PST
You do have to be 21 to be able to order from the source I found.
Clarification of Question by
29 Feb 2004 17:06 PST
Then thank you for trying, but that information would not be helpful.