Hello, loit-ga!
Your have asked a question with a wealth of information, but I have
stayed within the price offered for your question.
I have provided the following definitions that you can put into your
own words if needed. You will need to use your imagination to combine
them into four sentences!
A list of definitions for ultrasonic may be found on the following
page (some of which I have copied below):
"Relating to energy waves similar to those of sound but of higher
frequencies (above 30,000 Hz)." Origin: ultra-+ L. Sonus, sound
From http://www.books.md/U/dic/ultrasonic.php
"Sound frequencies above audible sound. Ultrasonic water and snow
level sensors are available that do not make contact with the media of
measurement. They send out a signal, track the amount of time it takes
for the reflected signal to return then use the elapsed time to
calculate the distance the signal traveled. Air temperature is also
measured since the calculation needs to compensate for
temperature-related fluctuations in the speed of sound."
"of, concerned with, or producing waves with the same nature as sound
waves but frequencies above audio frequencies"
"having frequencies above those of audible sound"
Read Articles: Ultrasonic boom
Ultrasound surgery has advantages over traditional, open surgery.
Therefore, the use of ultrasonic devices has increased as this type of
surgery becomes more common. Some of the advantages of surgery using
ultrasonic devices are highlighted in the following list:
* less trauma to adjacent organs
* allows for smaller incisions
* can allow for more precise control in surgery
* requires minimal tissue handling
* reduces blood loss
* reduces infection
* results in less postoperative pain
* reduces the amount of hospital stay
* generally allows for faster recuperation
* minimizes scarring
* reduced risk of wound complications
Read "Laparoscopic surgery will replace conventional in five to ten
years." Healthcare Management
Read "Less Invasive Vessel Harvesting"
"Ultrasonic liposuction, (Ultrasound Assisted Lipoplasty) or
"Ultrasound Assisted Liposuction" (U.A.L.) is a technique of
liposuction where the fatty tissue is removed with the assistance of
sound waves which are beyond the range of human hearing. Because the
sound waves are doing the work the surgeon is able to more precisely
guide the cannula. This increases safety. The ultrasonic energy is
targeted to fat cells and creates less damage to other tissues such as
nerves, blood vessels and muscles."
"Ultrasonic liposuction allows for more complete fat removal with less
blood loss and less damage to surrounding tissues and is commonly used
in the thigh, arm and other areas as well."
"One advantage of ultrasonic liposuction is increased skin shrinkage
compared to traditional liposuction. This is especially important in
the abdominal area where loose skin is often present following
pregnancy or changes in weight."
** "It is said that there is less bruising and swelling following
ultrasonic liposuction compared to traditional liposuction, although
this is controversial in Dr. O'Connell's opinion."
"Ultrasonic liposuction also facilitates fat removal from areas that
have already been treated by liposuction in the past."
From "Ultrasonic liposuction plastic surgery." Plastic Surgery of
Southern Connecticut.
Cateract Surgery
"Cataract surgery has made extraordinary and exciting advances over
the past 20 years. Last year, approximately 2.7 million Americans
underwent cataract surgery. Greater than 95% of those patients now
enjoy improved vision. State-of-the-art cataract surgery is now a
safe, effective, and comfortable procedure performed almost
exclusively on an outpatient basis.
* "Most cataract surgeries are now performed using microscopic size
incisions, advanced ultrasonic equipment to fragment cataracts into
tiny fragments, and foldable intraocular lenses (IOLs) to maintain
small incision size."
From "Cataract Surgery." EyeMDlink.com
Brain Tumor Surgery
Ultrasonic tools are commonly used to break the tumor apart.
"Ultrasonic aspiration - This tool uses ultrasonic waves to cause
vibration. The vibration breaks the tumor into small pieces. The
pieces are then aspirated (sucked out)."
From "A Primer of Brain Tumors." ABTA, 1991
Gallstone Surgery
"Ultrasonic shock wave (lithotripsy) treatment is also sometimes used
to shatter gallstones into tiny pieces so that they pass into the
intestine and out of the body in the faeces."
"Gallstones." DIY Medical Knowledge
Cardiac Surgery
"Recent innovations in ultrasonic devices include high-frequency
coagulating shears with piezoelectric ceramic electrostrictive
transducers for both open and endoscopic procedures. Various
ultrasonic devices have been used for the dissection of internal
mammary, radial, and gastroepiploic arteries, aortic root, proximal
right coronary artery, and left main coronary artery, as well as prior
to surgical coronary ostial reconstruction and for elimination of
stenotic induration in coronary arteries, release of muscle bridges,
exposure of deep-seated coronary arteries, pericardiectomy, and
removal of a cardiac tumor."
From "Ultrasonic Devices in Cardiac Surgery," Probal Ghosh, FRCS,
FETCS. Asian Cardiovasc Thorac Ann 1999;7:333-338
More examples of ultrasonic surgery
(This is a cached link so it may not work. If it does not work, and
you wish to review the material, cut and paste the title into your
search box and click on the "cached" link)
"Abstracts of clinical studies/scientific literature on the use of
ultrasonic dissectors."
I hope this information is helpful.
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