Hello Dan,
Thanks for giving me the go-ahead on this, and I wish you the best of
luck in your search. I have two pieces of information to offer.
The first is the address information I mentioned. There is a
commercial "people search" service called Intellius which I have found
in the past to have a very deep database, capable of finding people
that other sources seem to miss. Such was the case with Mr. Rousseau.
You can search the Intellius database yourself at:
Just enter the first name and last name in the appropriate boxes, and
select New York as the search state. This will bring up a page of
results with 17 hits for Will and William Rousseau's in NY.
On the list I pulled up (yours might look slightly different if they
update their database), listing #11 belongs to a Will Rousseau in NY,
and it is verified as accurate as of 1998. This is your man!
At the top of the page of search results is some text that reads:
"Buy all 17 People Search records below for $7.95
The report instantly displays all "Available" People Search information."
Click on this, enter the appropriate information (your name, credit
card info, etc) and you'll get a list of all 17 Will(iam) Rousseau's
in NY, including the one I pointed out with an address on East 55th
Street in Manhattan...as I mentioned earlier, there is no phone number
with this particular record.
The second brief item of interest is a mention of Will Rousseau in the
New York Times...not terribly recent, but a bit more up to date than
other references I found.
The September 28, 1986 issue of the NY Times (pg 61, Food Section) has
an article called: "The New Allure of Tahitian Vanilla" written by
Leslie Land. The photo accompanying the article, "Tahitian marinade
accompanying a rabbit dish" is credited to Will Rousseau.
I have not seen any more recent mentions of work.
I hope this provides you the information you need. If anything
requires elaboration, just let me know by posting a Request for
Clarification, and I'll be happy to assist you further.
All the best...
search strategy: search of Intellius and various news databases for Will Rousseau. |