Hello again jeannie1017-ga,
Thank you for your clarification. As you requested, I?ve found the
source document for the statistics you?ve cited in your question. It
comes from a monograph from a 1987 report of the Quebec Task Force on
Spinal Disorders and an article by Spitzer et. al. in Spine,
12(7):S1-S51. I found that this article is cited in many subsequent
papers on treatment of spinal injuries.
Below I?m including the PubMed citation and instructions on how you
can obtain the full text of the article. I?ve also included some
references to places where the article is mentioned by others to give
you a flavor of how it has been used.
You indicated that you need more recent statistics so I?ve done some
preliminary research to see what is available. Measuring workers?
compensation payments and outcomes is an extremely complex issue
because there is no national tracking system and each state has
different laws and regulations on workers? compensation. In addition,
these laws and regulations change frequently. The cost of workers?
compensation is a highly charged political issue in many states and
there are lots of articles that present statistics to back up any
viewpoint you may want to justify.
I?ve included some resources to give you an overview of the current
issues in workers? compensation to help you clarify your need for
information. I suggest that you post another question to get whatever
additional information you require. The more information you can share
about the context and purpose of your research, the more likely you
will get a useful answer.
I wish you well with your project.
~ czh ~
The Relative Importance of Biomechanical and Psychosocial Factors in
Low Back Injury
The total costs for LBP are difficult to evaluate since a large
portion of these costs are indirect to the individuals and the
companies involved. Estimates of costs in the US range from 20-50
Billion dollars annually (Frymoyer '92, Nachemson '92). In 1981 in
Quebec the direct costs for spinal disorders were over $150 million in
payouts for salary replacement and health care. Of these direct costs,
75.6% was paid out for 7.4% of the injuries that lasted over six
months (Spitzer et al. '87). This trend, in which the top 10% of LBP
cases account for 80-90% of the LBP costs, is also seen in the
drilling and aircraft industries (Clemmer et al. '91, Spengler et al.
Spitzer, W.O., LeBlanc, F.E., Dupuis, M., Abenhaim, L., Belanger,
A.Y., Bloch, R., Bombardier, C., Cruess, R.L., Drouin, G.,
Duval-Hesler, N., Laflamme, J., Lamoureus, G., Hachemson, A., Page,
J.J., Rossignol, M., Salmi, L.R., Salois-Arsenault, S., Sussia, S.,
and Wood-Dauphinee, S. (1987) Scientific approach to the assessment
and management of activity-related spinal disorders: a monograph for
clinicians report of the quebec task force on spinal disorders. Spine,
***** This article refers to the exact statistics that you?re looking
for and provides the citation (Spitzer et al. '87) for the source.
Spine. 1987 Sep;12(7 Suppl):S1-59.
PMID: 2961086 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Scientific approach to the assessment and management of
activity-related spinal disorders. A monograph for clinicians. Report
of the Quebec Task Force on Spinal Disorders.
***** I searched PubMed for the Spitzer article and was able to get
the exact citation. You can order the document by clicking on the Send
To drop-down box and selecting Order. This will take you to the
Loansome Doc Ordering System login page. If you?re not registered
there are extensive instructions about the various options you have
for registration and ordering documents from PubMed.
Loansome Doc Ordering System
Spine. (Spine)
Aries Systems Corporation (DocuRights) 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
EBSCO (EBSCOPub) 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
Infotrieve (Infotrieve) 2000 2001
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (LWW) 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
Ovid Technologies, Inc. (Ovid) 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
***** None of the online databases offering archived materials from
the Spine journal go back earlier than 1996. You can contact Spine as
shown on their website.
Spine: An International Journal for the Study of the Spine
Journal Information
Recognized internationally as the leading journal in its field, Spine
is an international, peer-reviewed, bi-weekly periodical that
considers for publication original articles in the field of spine. It
is the leading subspecialty journal for the treatment of spinal
Publication & Editorial Staff Contacts
***** See contact information for various departments at Spine.
The report of the International Paris Task Force on Back Pain is
relevant to all health care professionals. Other systematic reviews
beginning with the Quebec Task Force in 1987 generated similar
recommendations including discouragement of bed rest and encouragement
of a more active approach in managing low back pain. These
recommendations do not appear to be espoused by all health care
Suzanne Denis, BSc PT
Occupational Health & Safety Department
Sunnybrook & Women's College Health Science Centre
***** This is one of the articles that references the Quebec Task Force.
Workers' Compensation Coverage by State
Workers' Compensation Data Fact Sheet No. 1 ~ October 2002
Summary: Workers' compensation systems are highly individualistic and
can not be easily compared. This lack of comparability hampers policy
analysis and system improvement. Ideally, systems would be comparable
in performance through time and across jurisdictions. Good
bench-marking information helps system managers measure and improve
their operations. It also tells policy makers how their systems excel
or fall behind other jurisdictions.
Workers' Compensation: Benefits, Coverage, and Costs, 2001 is the
sixth in a series begun by the National Academy of Social Insurance to
provide the only comprehensive national data on this largely state-run
program. The study provides estimates of workers' compensation
payments?cash and medical?for all 50 states, the District of Columbia,
and federal program providing workers' compensation.
***** This is a 92-page report that you can download. It should be
very helpful in getting an overview of the issues and difficulties
involved with examining various statistics about workers? compensation
payments and programs.
Executive Summary 2001
***** This is a 20-page document covering the highlights of the above
research paper.
National Academy of Social Insurance
Workers' Compensation Results
Click these links to skip to a particular content type, or scroll
through the page to view all matching results.
What's New | Current Nasi Projects | Briefs & Fact Sheets | Conference
Proceedings & Books | Miscellaneous | Press Releases | Reports
Evaluating the Administration of Workers? Compensation and its
Relationship to Program Outcomes: Implications for Michigan.
***** This is a 25 page report dated December 16, 2002 from the School
of Labor and Industrial Relations at Michigan State University. It
includes many statistical tables to help you interpret the payment of
workers? compensation claims through various lenses and will help you
get a better overview of the complexities involved with these
Quebec Task Force
workers compensation statistics
quebec task force 75.6 workers compensation
Quebec Task Force on Spinal Disorders
"Quebec Task Force" 75.6 7.4
medical journals spine
Spitzer 75.6 7.4 |