The quote that you remember is actually from Mary Renault's historical
novel, "The Last of the Wine" (1956).
The speaker is Phaedo. He is speaking to Alexias.
Phaedo states:
"When a man is freed from the bonds of dogma and custom, where will he
run? To what he hates, or what he loves? ...
...And now Kritias too is running on the moutains, with no more
between him and his will than a wolf has. For a long time now I have
watched Kritias getting loose, from the soul, if you like the word, or
whatever keeps a man on two feet instead of four. I have gone step by
step with him, for his reason is a mirror held up to mine, till I
stood at the very edge of his conclusion."
Source: Pages 133-134, "The Last of the Wine" (1956) Mary Renault.
Bibliographic data at the Library of Congress:
search strategy:
Google groups: "will than a wolf has"
I then picked up a copy of "The Last of the Wine" at my local library
this afternoon.
I hope this helps. |