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Q: Company info on Hampton Roads Publishers ( Answered 4 out of 5 stars,   5 Comments )
Subject: Company info on Hampton Roads Publishers
Category: Reference, Education and News
Asked by: edmund1925-ga
List Price: $15.00
Posted: 06 Mar 2004 16:41 PST
Expires: 05 Apr 2004 17:41 PDT
Question ID: 314150
Regarding Hampton Roads Publishers, I have reviewed their website and
other material, but I cannot find out anything about the company: How
they market, who is their distributor, how are their authors chosen,
how to submit a manuscript, etc.

Request for Question Clarification by pafalafa-ga on 06 Mar 2004 18:16 PST
What website...?

Clarification of Question by edmund1925-ga on 07 Mar 2004 09:32 PST
The website I reviewed was

Request for Question Clarification by knowledge_seeker-ga on 07 Mar 2004 16:32 PST
Hi edmund1925,

Now that you have the publishing guidelines and contact information
for Hampton Roads, is there anything further you would like a
researcher to provide? Please let us know how we can help you.

Subject: Re: Company info on Hampton Roads Publishers
Answered By: czh-ga on 08 Mar 2004 00:17 PST
Rated:4 out of 5 stars
Hello edmund1925-ga,

This company definitely doesn?t want to say much about itself. Despite
the lack of corporate information on the website, I?ve managed to
locate quite a lot of information to help you get a feel for how they
operate and what they?re looking for in their authors.

I first searched for information on the company ? Hampton Roads
Publishers ? and I discovered that they had revised their website and
abandoned the old content. Nevertheless, there were a few items
available in Google?s cache that gave some very valuable information.
A Spring 2000 newsletter provides quite a lot of information about
internal operations and philosophy for manuscript selection.

Next, I looked for information on the two founders of the company, Bob
Friedman and Frank DeMarco, and was able to find quite a lot of
information that should help you with understanding how they choose
their authors and what they look for in submitted manuscripts. An
interview with them in the May 2000 issue of Enlightening Times is
especially enlightening.

I?ve included quite a few links to information about Frank DeMarco
because I think understanding him will give you a good idea of how he
thinks and what kinds of topics might interest him. Some of the
articles mention how an author sold him on the idea for a book that
was accepted.

In addition to the information about how Hampton Roads thinks about
its business I?ve also included some resources on the
religious/spiritual/new age publishing market to give you an idea of
general trends.

Despite the fact that this company is extremely low profile I think
the information I?ve collected will give you a good idea of what
they?re about and how to submit a proposal to them.

Best wishes for your projects.

~ czh ~

Enlightening Times Interview

Everyone has heard of God! Well, luckily for Hampton Roads, people are
also interested enough in whatever conversation God may be having with
a mere mortal. Their author, Neale Donald Walsh's book Conversations
With God, Book One has been on the New York Times best-sellers top ten
list for 9 months and Conversations with God, Book 2 for four.

The latest wunderkind of the book publishing world, HR owners, Bob
Friedman and Frank DeMarco have manuscripts on every spare shelf
awaiting their perusal. When I asked Bob Friedman what criteria he
used to choose new books he laughed and told me how hard it is. He
said one person who received a rejection letter wrote him back and
said what did you use, Runes? Co-owner Frank has a very dry wit and we
agreed that people would get the wrong idea if we said he used his
intuition to decide which box to open. Unless of course I added that
he is not being glib. They all get opened and eventually even
catalogued on their new computer system. Presently, they receive about
10-20 manuscripts a week.

A couple of years into their new business Bob and Frank decided to
publish only those books that they truly loved. They chose to publish
books only on alternative medicine, fiction that was visionary, and on
cutting-edge metaphysical subjects, not quite this or that, but
somehow new.

I spent half of a day with co-owners Bob Friedman and Frank DeMarco as
well as marketing geniuses, Ken Eagle Feather and Quintin Parrish.
***** See picture of Frank DeMarco and Bob Friedman

Independent Book Publishers 
Hampton Roads Publishing Company

Frank DeMarco, Chairman (Email:; Bob Friedman,
Publisher, 1125 Stoney Ridge Road, Charlottesville VA 22902;
800-766-8009; Fax: 800-766-9042.
Publishers of Neale Donald Walsch's Conversations with God, Book 2
Specialties: new age, visionary fiction

Insights, Spring 2000 -- 2/23/2000

***** This is a 32-page newsletter that should be helpful in giving
you insights about the operation of the company. Although a bit dated,
it might be helpful. See Editor?s Pag eon page 2 and continued on page
15 and page 14 for Inside the Book Biz for information about company
strategy and book selection philosophy.

In a Nutshell: Words From One of the Founding Voices of Visionary Fiction
by Frank DeMarco, Chairman, Hampton Roads
Publishing Company, Inc. 

***** This article discusses DeMarco?s views about visionary fiction
and how to advance the genre.

Hampton Roads Publishing Company was founded in 1989 by Bob Friedman
and Frank DeMarco. Their goal is to publish quality metaphysical
fiction and non-fiction that will make a difference in people's lives.
Books that can help change the world and the people in it.

They continue to strive to find the most interesting, compelling and
quality material for publication. Some of their categories are
Visionary Fiction, New Thought, New Science, Alternative Medicine,
Nagualism and Psychic Realms, with authors as diverse as Neale Donald
Walsch, Charles Tart, Mary Summer Rain, and Linda Keen.

Hampton Roads Publishing Company
Metaphysical fiction and non-fiction that aims to make a difference in
people's lives: new age, healing, visionary fiction, new thought, new
science, alternative medicine, nagualism and psychic realms.

Frank DeMarco is the author of Muddy Tracks: Exploring an Unknown
Reality, and Messenger: A Sequel to Lost Horizon, and is chairman of
Hampton Roads Publishing Company, Inc. He can be reached at

Universal Light Expo 2003

Frank Demarco, author, co-founder, and Editor-in-Chief of the
prestigious and spiritually dedicated Hampton Roads Publishing Company
in Virginia is an exuberant explorer of our most mysterious,
multi-layered puzzle we call "reality."

Joseph D. Mastroianni

? I was looking into the now defunct U.S. program on psychic spying by
reading some books I'd just picked up.  That led me to the the Monroe
Institute and a number of books
published by the Hampton Roads publishing company, and to Frank
DeMarco, a founder and president of that company.

Through my time at TMI I met Frank DeMarco, the guy who founded the
book company.  We got to talking and became friends.  About a year ago
I started in earnest looking for ways to achieve my life-long ambition
to go to Antarctica.  I put up a web site, this web site, with some
writing and software I had written , and a rather unabashed plea for
help from anyone to get there.

After I put up the site, Frank suggested that I write a book for him. 
He'd read some of my writing and decided, intuitively, that my writing
a book would be good for both of us, thus helping me realize another
of my life-long dreams: that of getting a book contract.

Muddy Tracks: Exploring an Unsuspected Reality by Frank DeMarco

The influencial books, people, and experiences in DeMarco's life, who
is chairman of the board of Hampton Roads Publishing. Focused mainly
around his Monroe Institute experiences, this book is a detailed
personal journey that sees through the "mud" into another "more
positive" reality.*
Muddy Tracks: Exploring an Unsuspected Reality

Universal Light Expo 2003

Frank Demarco, author, co-founder, and Editor-in-Chief of the
prestigious and spiritually dedicated Hampton Roads Publishing Company
in Virginia is an exuberant explorer of our most mysterious,
multi-layered puzzle we call "reality." He is one among a growing
number of seekers at this time who are investigating for themselves
the mystical realms of the many unseen levels of existence. He
maintains that knowledge gained from first-hand experience can teach
us that reality is much greater than anything we have previously
accepted as truth.

Spiritual Balm, At Only $23.95

Sometimes judgment calls can cause friction between the side that
wants to pursue a questionable marketing effort and the side that does
not. In March, Hampton Roads Publishing Inc. of Charlottesville, Va.,
published ''Fast Lane to Heaven,'' a book about a near-death
experience by a former nightclub owner turned New Age evangelist named
Ned Dougherty. In the book, Mr. Dougherty wrote that he had visions
during his near-death experience; one was of terrorist attacks on
Washington and New York by religious fanatics. After Sept. 11, Mr.
Dougherty urged the editor at Hampton Roads, Frank DeMarco, to
publicize his prediction and his message of peace from beyond the
grave. Mr. Demarco refused.

''We believe in Ned's message and in his book,'' Mr. Demarco said.
''And I know there are people out there marketing the American flag
and making a fortune. But I know what it looks like to me when I see
other people do it, and I don't like it, so I felt it was not right
for us.''

Conversations with Greatness - Past Guests

Frank DeMarco, is an author, as well as founder, co-owner and
Editor-in-Chief of Hampton Roads Publishing Company, and explorer of
the uncharted territory that lies beyond normal physical reality. In
his new book Muddy Tracks: Exploring an Unsuspected Reality, DeMarco
describes unusual resources others can use, particularly in connection
with out-of-body explorations taught by Bob Monroe from The Monroe
Institute, along with nearly unbelievable natural human abilities
available to us all.

***** There is a picture of Mr. DeMarco at this site.

Preface To Astral Dynamics 
Preface Written by: Frank DeMarco
[Chairman of Hampton Roads Publishing Company Inc. VA, USA] 

I first came across Robert Bruce as a presence in an Internet news
group called alt.out-of-body ("out-of-body experience" is, of course,
the modern term for what used to be called astral projection), so I
recognized his name when he contacted us at Hampton Roads to see if we
would have an interest in publishing his book. I said we would, but
was unprepared for the quality of the manuscript that he sent us,
electronically, from half a world away in Australia.

The Messenger
by Frank DeMarco

The novel, Messenger by Frank DeMarco, presents itself in memoir form
as a sequel to Lost Horizon, a 1932 classic that inroduced the world
to Shangri-La, a mythical, mystical hidden community on the Tibetan
highlands?the roof of the world.
Messenger: A Sequel to Lost Horizon: A Story of Shangri-La
by Frank DeMarco

This is the first of pieces about my Lifeline experience in July,
1995. I'd apologize for the length, but I'm always doing that....
-Frank DeMarco

Frank DeMarco                      
Hampton Roads Publishing Company                 804-296-2772
134 Burgess Lane
Charlottesville, VA 22902

Crossing the Boundaries -- 5/27/2002

Abstract: Today's New Ager is far more likely to be an Oprah watcher
concerned about health and spirituality than the granola-munching,
Birkenstock-wearing, ex-hippie of the past.

Publishers Weekly - Crossing the Boundaries
... Over the years, we have watched books once typically classified as New
Age move into the mainstream," says editor-in-chief Frank Demarco. ... esec/Article_219343.htm

Search for Hampton Roads Publishing Co. in all of's stores.
Results for Hampton Roads Publishing Co.: (184 matching products)

Advertisers in the Current Issue

These suppliers advertised in the most recent issue of New Age Retailer:
*Hampton Roads Publishing	800/766-8009
Advertisers with a * by their name are All-Star advertisers whose ads
will appear in every issue this year.

New Day for a New Age at INATS

In fact, New Age is growing out of its category in so many directions
that it?s hard for publishers to agree on one classification.
?Mind-Body-Spirit,? ?Conscious Living for a New Age,? and
?Spirituality/Metaphysical? are just a few of the monikers being
thrown at the segment. What?s clear from publishers who attended INATS
is that, despite a slow year in general, they see increasing
opportunity in the New Age category from mainstream America.

The U.S. Religious Publishing and Products Market
Published by Packaged Facts
Jan. 1, 2000 - 242 Pages
Price: $2750

This Packaged Facts report examines the $5.7 billion market for
religious materials at the turn of the new millennium. Sales data and
forecasts are provided for 1995-2004 across three product categories:
books, stationery/giftware/merchandise and audio/visual/software. An
extensive discussion of marketing strategies and new product trends
reveals how marketers such as Thomas Nelson, EMI Christian Music
Group, Zondervan and Tyndale House are tapping into Americans'
increasing and far-flung interest in the spiritual realm. The report
also provides detailed demographic data about the consumers most
likely to purchase religious products.

28 Markets for Your Body/Mind/Spirit Book Proposal
Whether you call the genre Conscious or Alternative Spirituality,
Body/Mind/Spirit or New Age, publishers of inspirational and personal
development books are going strong.


Hampton Roads Publishing
"Frank DeMarco" 
"Frank DeMarco" editor
"Frank DeMarco" chairman

Request for Answer Clarification by edmund1925-ga on 31 Mar 2004 17:10 PST
The work by all researchers but particularly by czh-ga was much
appreciated. I would still like to learn what distributor they use. A
bookseller could probably advise which distributor their books would
come from, when ordered by the bookseller.

Clarification of Answer by czh-ga on 01 Apr 2004 00:13 PST
Hello again edmund1925-ga,

I?m glad to hear that you found the information I?ve provided helpful.
The distribution picture in the New Age publishing arena is growing so
no one distributor represents any publisher. I?ve located a
distributor directory that should help you identify the major players.
I also found an article in Publisher?s Weekly that discusses this
subject. You have to register to be able to access the article but the
registration is free. I?ve included links to the distributors they
mentioned as being important players. In addition, I?ve also found a
few links that specifically mention that the distributor represents
Hampton Roads Publishing. If you need further information about what
distributors they use, I suggest that you contact Hampton Roads

Best wishes for your project.

~ czh ~
2004 Distributor Directory
New Age Retailer's annual listing of distributors will help you find
suppliers appropriate for your store throughout the year. Descriptions
were supplied by the companies.

***** This directory gives you dozens of distributors who are likely
to represent Hampton Roads books.

Crossing the Boundaries
By Judith Rosen -- 5/27/2002

New Age=Big Stage for Distributors
If proof were needed to verify the enormous demand for
mind-body-spirit literature, book distributors specializing in the
field can offer it in ample supply. With customers ranging from
independent booksellers and national chains to spiritual practitioners
and individual therapists, their sales reach far and wide.

Phoenix Distributors


New Leaf

DeVorss and Company

NEWS RELEASE - May 20, 2001
CHICAGO - Two major book distributors are appearing at BEA this year
with a book-full of exciting news. They are BookWorld Services, Inc.,
and its subsidiary, Christian Distribution Services, Inc., of Sarasota

* BookWorld has created a program called "Tailored Sales" offering
pure sales representation for publishers - often as a way for
publishers to cover marketplaces they aren't reaching with their own
organizations. Initial clients include Loyal Publishing, Hampton
Roads, Hunter Publishing, and Brookfield Reader.

Rittenhouse Book Distributors, Inc. 
511 Feheley Drive, King of Prussia, PA 19406 
Phone: 800-345-6425   Fax: 800-223-7488   Email:
***** Lists several Hampton Roads books

NACSCORP is a leading national wholesale distributor of books and
technology products for College Stores and Campus Resellers. Founded
in 1963 to help small stores get titles from University Press
publishers at a time when it was difficult to meet their minimums,
NACSCORP now supports over 160,000 text and trade book titles from
300+ Publishers, over 65,000 Print on Demand Titles and over 100,000
Technology Products from 1,700 top Vendor Partners shipping from six
warehouses. Plus, we support Academic Licensing Programs from many top
technology vendors.
Hampton Roads Publishing

Brumby Books
10 Southfork Drive, Kilsyth, Victoria 3137, Australia
011/03/9761-5535, fax 011/03/9761-7095
Books, giftware. Australia's leading distributor of mind-body-spirit
books and paper-related products. Representing local and overseas
publishers, including C.W. Daniel, Hampton Roads, New World Library,
Llewellyn Worldwide, U.S. Games, and Inner Traditions, that sell to
the book, new-awareness, gift, and health industries. Thirty years in
edmund1925-ga rated this answer:4 out of 5 stars
Thanks for a lot of very helpful information. Definitely worth the price.

Subject: Re: Company info on Hampton Roads Publishers
From: pinkfreud-ga on 06 Mar 2004 18:27 PST
NOTE TO RESEARCHERS. This may be the website:
Subject: Re: Company info on Hampton Roads Publishers
From: darrel-ga on 06 Mar 2004 18:27 PST
I see what you mean:
Subject: Re: Company info on Hampton Roads Publishers
From: pafalafa-ga on 06 Mar 2004 19:21 PST
Odd..that site came up as non-working for me earlier, though now it seems fine.

For what it's worth, here's a cached version of submission guidelines:
Subject: Re: Company info on Hampton Roads Publishers
From: knowledge_seeker-ga on 06 Mar 2004 19:37 PST
They are pretty tight-lipped aren't they? I was about to give you the
cached version of their submission guidelines, but I see pafalafa-ga
has already done that.

Here are a few other goodies from their old sites:

ABOUT US --- JAN 30 1998 ----

"Hampton Roads Publishing Company was established in 1989 on the
shores of the Atlantic Ocean and the Chesapeake Bay. We have grown
into a thriving company with a highly diverse list of titles
emphasizing metaphysical nonfiction, visionary fiction, and
alternative medicine. .... In August 1995, our company moved to the
beautiful mountains of Charlottesville, Virginia. We have several new
faces on our staff, and we are moving with energy and commitment to
bring you the best in books that will contribute to the quality of
your life journey"


More pages here (most contain nothing)*/*/

Subject: Re: Company info on Hampton Roads Publishers
From: knowledge_seeker-ga on 06 Mar 2004 19:42 PST
...and I have no idea why those hyperlinks didn't work. Just copy and
paste them into your browser. Sorry.


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