Dear Breit,
Course ENT230 in Henry Ford Community College could answer this request:
"ENT 230 Michigan Mechanical Contractor's Licensing Examination
Preparation - 4 Credit Hours
Prerequisite: The student will first demonstrate that he or she has
the necessary work experience and preparation to qualify for the
Michigan Mechanical Contractor Licensing Examinations.
Lectures and a variety of testing exercises prepare and help potential
contractors qualify to take the Michigan Mechanical Contractor's
License Examination. Taken with qualifications, orientation and
pre-examination work to prepare for examinations in the
classifications of laws, rules and regulations, refrigeration, limited
heating service, limited refrigeration and air conditioning service,
and HVAC equipment."
(SOURCES: Henry Ford Community College
<> - choose
courses and browse till you reach the 230 course).
"enter as a non-degree seeking student by applying for admissions and
enrolling in one or more courses. Students entering by this method are
usually interested in taking only one or a few courses without the
initial intention of completing a full program. (Non-degree seeking
students who later upgrade to degree program status must - at that
point - complete the admissions testing and orientation process)"
(SOURCE: Henry Ford Community College
Macomb Community College
<> also offers such a
See page 20 at
An overview of the State of Michigan requirements
for the Mechanical Contractor?s License. This course
will provide the participants with the foundation of
knowledge to pass the Mechanical Contractor?s
Examination. Covers exam topics, laws and rules,
sample test questions and test taking strategies.
Instructor: NCI Associates. Fee: $199
Course No: 08070 ............................................. 4 Sessions
Wed. ...................... 4/14 - 5/5 ............................. 6 PM - 9 PM
Center Campus ........................................... H Bldg. Room 206"
I hope this answers your question.
Search terms:
[ mechanical contractor michigan licensing prep course ]
Please contact me if you need any further clarification on this answer
before you rate it.
Good luck in your career. |