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Q: Downy Wrinkle Releaser ( Answered 5 out of 5 stars,   6 Comments )
Subject: Downy Wrinkle Releaser
Category: Family and Home > Home
Asked by: nelson-ga
List Price: $5.00
Posted: 07 Mar 2004 17:32 PST
Expires: 06 Apr 2004 18:32 PDT
Question ID: 314399
I live in Brooklyn.  I have been hunting all over for Downy Wrinkle
Releaser, as my current supply is running dangerously low.  I'll have
to start wearing wrinkled shirts to work, as I vowed not to iron and
cleaners are so expensive.

Anywho, is there someplace online where I can purchase this miracle product?

Request for Question Clarification by pinkfreud-ga on 07 Mar 2004 18:09 PST
Howdy, Nelson.

Have you tried ordering from this site?

Clarification of Question by nelson-ga on 07 Mar 2004 19:09 PST
Thank you so much pinkfreud.  Please post as an answer.
Subject: Re: Downy Wrinkle Releaser
Answered By: pinkfreud-ga on 07 Mar 2004 19:33 PST
Rated:5 out of 5 stars
Thank you for accepting my suggestion as your answer. I've reposted the link below.

Manhattan Wardrobe Supply

My initial search, using the keyphrase "downy wrinkle releaser,"
didn't turn up anyplace that was currently offering the product. I
then tried searching with "wrinkle releaser," and the link above
appeared. They had misspelled "Downy" as "Downey."

Google Web Search: "wrinkle releaser"

Glad I could help! 

Best wishes,
nelson-ga rated this answer:5 out of 5 stars and gave an additional tip of: $3.00
Great work, as always.  I have already placed my order.

Subject: Re: Downy Wrinkle Releaser
From: bobbie7-ga on 07 Mar 2004 17:56 PST
Hi Nelson!

I couldn?t find Downy Wrinkle Releaser but I did locate instructions
for making your own homemade Downy wrinkle releaser.

Homemade Downy Wrinkle Releaser

?Use a clean spray bottle, add 1/2 capful of CLEAR downy fabric
softener and 2 cups of water, shake to mix and that is it. Use the
same as store-bought product.?

Homemade Downy Wrinkle Releaser

?Fill a spray bottle with distilled water; add 1 teaspoon liquid
fabric softener (go ahead and use Downey and you?ll even duplicate the
fragrance). Directions: Spray the wrinkled garment using a sweeping
motion from about 8 inches away until slightly damp. Tug and smooth
away wrinkles. Hang until dry. Use more spray for heavy fabrics or
severe wrinkles. For a pressed look, spray fabrics while ironing. "

It?s worth a try if you can?t find the original!

Best regards,
Google Answers Researcher
Subject: Re: Downy Wrinkle Releaser
From: pinkfreud-ga on 07 Mar 2004 19:44 PST
Thanks for the five-star rating and the generous tip!

Hope you are soon wrinkle-free. Wish I were. :-D

Subject: Re: Downy Wrinkle Releaser
From: erniemydog-ga on 08 Jul 2004 18:44 PDT
Re: Downy Wrinkle Releaser.
There is somebody on e-bay offering from 1 to 9 16.9 oz. bottles of
Downy Wrinkle Releaser. The seller lives in the Seattle/Tacoma area.
The bidding is now up to $9.50 minimum plus $7.00 shipping, $2.00 for
each additional item. End of auction is July 11,04, 8:55 PDT.
My husband says I can't have it, but maybe some of you can afford it.
Good luck!
Subject: Re: Downy Wrinkle Releaser
From: suza31-ga on 16 Jul 2004 15:21 PDT
I'm glad I'm not the only one in search of Downy Wrinkle Releaser.  
There is another product made by Faultless Starch/BonAmi Company
called Wrinkle Releaser that's been around for many years.  In case
anyone is interested.

Or this product

Good Luck All
Subject: Re: Downy Wrinkle Releaser
From: rabbitqueen-ga on 29 Nov 2004 18:00 PST
I sent an email to the company that manufactures Downy Wrinkle
Releaser.  Below is the answer I received to my inquiry about the

Thank you for taking the time to contact us regarding the Downy
Wrinkle Releaser.  Following is a list of retailers that carry it.

Walmart, Target, Frys, Food Lion, Piggly Wiggly, Jewel, Publix,
Kroger, Meijer, A&P, Albertson?s, Weis, Wegmans, Hannaford Bros,
Shopko, Heinens, Biggs and Winn Dixie

We deliver to these retailers? distribution centers, so have no way of
knowing which of their individual stores they distribute quantities
to.  If you do not see it on the shelves of the above retailers, I
suggest you speak with the store manager about ordering it in for you.
 We are not set up to sell direct.

It is produced in an 8.5 fl oz and 33.81 fl oz size.  There is a
travel size coming out soon; but there is no larger refill size being
Subject: Re: Downy Wrinkle Releaser
From: nelson-ga on 29 Nov 2004 19:28 PST
Thanks, rabbitqueen.  I guess I'll be looking iat Target or A&P.  I
don't thinks I have the others around here.

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