It is estimated that between 6 and 7 million Americans are working for
foreign-owned companies on U.S. soil.
"Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky has come to the floor to discuss
the 2nd degree amendment he is proposing. Central to his comments is
the proposition that an extraordinary amount of jobs available to
Americans come from foreign companies with facilities in this country.
He stated that 6.4 million Americans living in states across the
country are employed by foreign corporations and that it would be
devastating to our economy should these corporations leave due an
uncompetitive environment."
Senator Patrick Leahy: More from the Floor, March 4th, 2004
"More than 6 million Americans now work for foreign-owned companies on
U.S. soil, and these corporations account for about 30 percent of U.S.
imports and 25 percent of exports."
Pacific Council on International Policy: Mapping Globalization Along
the Wasatch Front
"Now, the foreign corporations are awaiting Thomas' [House Ways and
Means Chairman Bill Thomas] proposal. 'Flaws in the Tax Code force
U.S. companies to move their headquarters overseas in order to
compete,' Thomas said last week. 'The Committee on Ways and Means will
be addressing this larger issue in this Congress.' And the foreign
companies will be playing defense. But they won't be playing it alone.
'What's true now, that wasn't true in the 1990s,' says McLernon [Nancy
McLernon, deputy director of the Organization for International
Investment], 'is we've got our defenders on the Hill. They know over 6
million Americans work for these companies."
Forbes: Heads Up, DaimlerChrysler
"OFII compiles statistical information on the role of international
investment in America. The reports and press releases below detail the
trends in international investment in the United States and the
benefits U.S. subsidiaries of international companies bring to the
American economy... U.S. subsidiaries employ a record high 6.4 million
Organization for International Investment: Facts & Figures
"Foreign subsidiaries in this country-such as DaimlerChrysler or
Unilever-employ 6 million Americans (13.5 percent of the manufacturing
workforce) and account for 22 percent of all U.S. exports."
Council on Foreign Relations: The Tax Dance of the Multinationals
"Almost 7 million Americans work for foreign-owned companies on U.S.
soil and these corporations account for about 30 percent of U.S.
merchandise imports and 22 percent of merchandise exports."
Brigham Young University: Nafta 2002: an Assessment of its Benefits and Costs
Google search strategy:
Google Web Search: "million americans" + "foreign companies OR corporations"
Google Web Search: "million americans" + "foreign-owned companies OR corporations"
I hope this information is useful. If anything is unclear, or if a
link doesn't work for you, please request clarification; I'll be glad
to offer further assistance before you rate my answer.
Best regards,
pinkfreud |