- Book 1 -
The first book is without any doubt: "Singularity", by William
Sleator. Here is a brief excerpt from a description I found; it shows
clearly that this is the book you remember:
"Singularity is the story of twin brothers who, during a summer
tending their late uncle's home, discover that the old man built a
shed to enclose a singularity, a place where time flows much faster
then normal. The "younger" twin, feeling dominated by his stronger
twin, sneaks to the shed one night and lives a full year in complete
isolation -- overnight. He emerges the next morning inches taller and,
more importantly, much wiser."
Hatrack River: Books to Look For
"Singularity" is currently in print and available in the USA, for
example from Amazon ($5.99):
- Book 2 -
Concerning the second book, it's much harder to provide a definitive
answer. Many novels dealing with 2-dimensional worlds and higher
dimensions than our own have been written since Edwin A. Abbott
published his "Flatland: A romance of many dimensions" in 1884. By the
way, you can read that Science Fiction pioneer novel online here:
(Source: Erik Max Francis' Homepages)
However, I finally came to the conclusion that the book you remember
is most likely another novel by William Sleator, "The Boy Who Reversed
Himself". The main idea of that novel is that apart from our
3-dimensional world, there is not only a 2-dimensional one, but also a
huge number of higher dimensions. Here are some excerpts from reviews
to give you an impression of the plot:
"In it [The Boy Who Reversed Himself], a young boy [Omar] can "move"
into 4 dimensional space. By doing so, he can move in between objects
in 3-D space. He can now walk through walls and travel any barrier in
3-D space. In 4-D space, he can move into new directions, called ana
and kata. The idea is, their are "keepers" of every dimension, who
make sure that everything is "o.K." The keeper is from the succeeding
dimension. For example, the person from 4-D space watches over 3-D
space, and a person from 3-D space watches over 2-D space. The boy
was being groomed to be the new "keeper" of 2-D space by his
Astronomy 102 (Black Holes and Quasars) Student Discussion List,
January 6 to January 21
"When Laura finds her homework in her locker with its writing
reversed, she's baffled until she learns an unbelievable secret--her
weird neighbor, Omar, has the ability to travel to the fourth
dimension. Laura forces him to take her there and then, a novice in
"four-space", she goes out there on her own. There's only one
problem--she doesn't know how to get back."
"She [Laura] has a crush on Pete, the football captainand weird things
are happening on a daily basis, ever since Omar, the creepy boy next
door, moved in. Laura makes Omar confess his secrets: he's training to
become the guardian of the Second Dimension, while he's exploring the
Fifth. Laura invites Pete on a journey to the Fifth Dimensionbut her
game becomes a nightmare when she and Pete are captured, and the whole
existence of the world depends on Omar's ability to rescue them."
Amazon.com editorial reviews of the book
I am quite sure that this is the book you have in mind. It, too, is
available from Amazon for $5.99:
Manchester Township School District: Reviews Science Fiction
Surpriced.com: Singularity
Xavier University: Home Page for Dimensionality, Spring 2004
Future Technology: Dimension, by David Cary
Abebooks: BookSleuth - Recently Solved
The Christian Science Monitor: Personal Accounts and Folded Paper
Search terms used:
"older than his twin" "science fiction"
Sleator singularity
Sleator singularity twin
attic boy "fourth dimension" "two dimensional"
"william Sleator" "two dimensional"
"The Boy Who Reversed Himself"
"boy who reversed" dimensions
Hope this will help!
Best regards,
Scriptor |