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Terrorist Formula
Category: Relationships and Society > Religion Asked by: robertskelton-ga List Price: $8.76 |
11 Mar 2004 16:34 PST
Expires: 10 Apr 2004 17:34 PDT Question ID: 315855 |
The Madrid bombing was exactly two and and half years after 9/11. The Bali bombing was 1 year, 1 month and 1 day after 9/11. 9/11 happens to be the US emergency phone number. My question is quite open, but answers need to include any of the following or along the same line of thinking: - Is there any pertinent religious aspect to these dates or timeframes? - Is there any precedent for terrorists using non-obvious anniversaries? - Had anyone predicted the date of the Madrid attack? - Has anyone or can any researcher calculate a date for the next attack - where the formula fits the three previous attacks as well? - Do any of the lesser (in terms of bodycount, but each are obvuously tragic) attacks fit into a pattern? Comments obviously very welcome. Answer should make the average person go "wow, I'm convinced". | |
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There is no answer at this time. |
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Re: Terrorist Formula
From: pinkfreud-ga on 11 Mar 2004 17:48 PST |
Regarding the choice of the date 9/11, this may be of interest: http://www.answers.google.com/answers/threadview?id=291605 |
Re: Terrorist Formula
From: ijazahmad-ga on 12 Mar 2004 09:35 PST |
I am a muslim from Pakistan and I do not believe that their is any relation of 9/11 to any event of muslim history.The resean is that we as muslim use our islamic calander,which is based on moon and not on sun, for all of our events in Islamic history. I have also read link mentioned by pinkfreud-ga and I do not agree with the defeat of ottoman empire on 9/11,1683.Kindly keep in mind that the defeat was of turks and in 9/11 involvement is of Arab and both nations have historical clash even both are muslim nations. I also wish to mention here that we, the muslim, do not believe that 9/11 was menaged by alquaida or any other muslim organisation or any one from muslim world can do such a big job.On this subject their are so many question even in the western world which still have not been answered. |
Re: Terrorist Formula
From: politicalguru-ga on 13 Mar 2004 04:40 PST |
Dear Rob, First of all, I hope you are aware of the fact that Muslims use a different callendar. Izaj Ahmed have written "we, the muslim, do not believe that 9/11 was menaged by alquaida or any other muslim organisation or any one from muslim world can do such a big job." I actually know many Muslims who do believe that "Al Qaida or any other Muslim organisation" have committed those attacks. It is hard to speak on behalf of a world-religion, that includes people who support these attacks as well as people who are disgusted by these attacks, including American Patriots who serve in the U.S. military forces. There are people of all types and colours and it would be a mistake not to notice that also Islam could produce such organisations. |
Re: Terrorist Formula
From: jackburton-ga on 14 Mar 2004 04:53 PST |
Just to add to the creep factor... On September 11, 2002, the winning New York State lottery numbers were 9-1-1. The state called it a "coincidence". What makes such a matter even more weird is that last November 12, 2001, American Airlines Flight #587 crashed in New York City. That day, the New Jersey State lottery winning numbers were 5-8-7! According to the Associated Press, many people found these lottery results to be "chilling and maybe suspicious, too." Here's the story: http://www.yorknewstimes.com/stories/091302/nat_0913020041.shtml |
Re: Terrorist Formula
From: racecar-ga on 22 Mar 2004 16:29 PST |
I get that March 11, 2004 is 912 days after September 11, 2001, not 911 days. Remember 2004 is a leap year. I can already picture the rebuttal to this: "well, that means there are 911 days BETWEEN the two dates!" This is just an illustration of the kind of thinking which is, in my opinion, the explanation for the 'coincidences' surrounding numbers involved with 9/11. I am almost surprised that "Osama B. Laden" is not listed as one of the names/words/phrases with 11 letters. Doesn't the guy ever use a middle initial? I think it is likely that there is no significance to any of the numerology-type things said about 9/11. The thing is, if you're willing to play games with things like the number of floors in buildings, airline flight numbers, and dates when historical events occured, you could make ANY circumstance seem 'suspicious' with a little creativity. How likely is it really, though, that the terrorists picked flights based on the flight numbers, rather than on practical factors like when the flights took off, and from where, and how many people were expected to be on board? You will not find a numerologist who will predict with confidence the date of the next big terrorist attack. But I will make the following prediction confidently: when the next attack occurs, it will be found to be 9 months and 11 days after something, or maybe 9 days and 11 hours, or it will happen in two places one of which has 9 letters in its name, and the other 11, or in any case, there will be a 'coincidence' involving numbers. Because there are so many possible 'coincidences' that some of them are bound to occur. |
Re: Terrorist Formula
From: pinkfreud-ga on 22 Mar 2004 16:34 PST |
In the matter of the lottery coincidence, it's not really all that remarkable: http://www.snopes.com/rumors/lottery.htm |
Re: Terrorist Formula
From: mr_know_it_all-ga on 05 Apr 2004 07:20 PDT |
Just a minor point of clarification: The country code for iran 098 and for iraq 0964. There must be some simple explanations for the rest of the facts as well. |
912 days
From: mr100percent-ga on 13 Oct 2004 22:54 PDT |
Skeptics who did the calculations came up with a 912-day difference between the two events, leading the to conclusion that someone had miscalculated or neglected to account for 2004's being a leap year. Who's right depends upon how one describes the temporal relationship between two dates. Let's say April 11 is already a date of significance, and something noteworthy occurs on April 14. How do we describe the relationship of the latter day's occurrence to the earlier date? We could say that the noteworthy event: Happened on the fourth day Took place three days later Was separated from the earlier date by two days The middle option is the most common way of expressing this type of relationship between two dates, and the one that produces a 912-day difference between the September 11 attacks and Madrid bombings. The latter option, although less commonly invoked, does validate the claim that there were 911 days between the two events. (To put it symbolically, if event B occurs (n) days after event A, then (n-1) days fall "between" the two events.) In any case, there is no evidence that whoever was responsible for the Madrid bombings deliberately planned them to take place on a numerically significant date. (The only speculative motive expressed so far for the choice of date was that the bombings might have been timed to influence the Spanish national elections scheduled to place a few days later.) Taken from http://www.snopes.com/rumors/madrid.asp |
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