Hi there,
Unfortunately, there's nothing in the Finder's dictionary to allow
applescript to trigger a folder or volume's indexing. Apple's moved to
'automatic' indexing in 10.3. You can no longer schedule index
updates, they just happen right before you search any particular
directory or volume. As you've no doubt noticed, this means that you
sometimes encounter a delay prior to being able to search.
There does not appear to be a way to trigger ContentIndexing.app from
the command line. If there were, you could use cron. Potential
alternatives are to use some other find-by-content solution. Apple's
system is known to be buggy and only indexes the first 2,000 words of
each file.
More info on apple's 10.3 find-by-content system:
Otherchoices: DevonThing, BBEdit, egrep (command line, graphical
interfaces available on versiontracker)
Hope this is helpful! |