Kentuckydawn --
The best stock price databases going back that far are on microfilm,
using the Wall Street Journal or New York Times. Proquest, a
fee-based online service available for free at many public libraries,
also has the New York Times in full-text version and that's a good
place to find stock prices.
The last trading date of 1978 was Friday, Dec. 29, 1978, so these
prices come from the Saturday New York Times and are the 52-week
trading range for 1978:
Coca Cola (NYSE: KO): 35 1/8 - 49 1/4
Eastman Kodak (NYSE: EK): 41 1/8 - 61 1/8
Holiday Inn: 14 1/8 - 32 3/4
Texaco (now merged into CVX): 22 1/8 - 27 3/4
Union Pacific (NYSE: UNP): 40 7/8 - 60 1/4
As for Murphysboro Bank & Trust, I could find no listing under NYSE,
AMEX or NASDAQ. A check of the SEC Edgar database, which goes back to
1995, didn't show it being traded publicly either. That's not to say
that the company wasn't public -- there are thousands of "pink sheet"
stocks that trade infrequently. The best method to find where the
bank's shares traded would be to write to the secretary of the
corporation. A second alternative would be to find a business school
library that might have pink sheet stocks listed.
On the web, at least three services provide historical stock quotes: -- quotes back to at least 1993
123Jump -- quotes back to 1998
Yahoo Finance -- site requires registration and Yahoo drops a stock if
it's delisted
Best regards,
Omnivorous-GA |