Hello again patootie-ga,
I offer my sympathies to you and your husband on the loss of his job.
If he hasn?t done any job hunting in the past ten years he definitely
needs to update himself on the impact of the Web on the job search
process. If his company offers an outplacement package be sure to take
advantage of it. The tools offered by these transition programs are
excellent and will definitely help get a good step-by-step roadmap for
finding a new job. I?ve included some resources that cover the same
material in case he has to make the transition without company
The transition process after being laid off has several stages. First,
it?s important to deal with the feelings stirred up by the job loss
and to assess your situation as to how you?re going to manage during
the period of unemployment. Next, it?s important to complete a
self-assessment so that you feel very comfortable about who you are
and what you bring to your future employer. Once you?re clear about
who you are and what you?re looking for you can launch on an
exploration of what the world of work offers for you. If you?re
staying in the same community and industry you may be able to complete
this phase very quickly. If you?re considering changing careers or
fields you may need to spend time in orienting yourself to the
possibilities. When you?ve completed your explorations of the world of
work you can begin your targeted job search. There are hundreds of
books and websites to help you with every aspect of transition,
exploration and job search. I?ve included a variety of resources to
help you get started.
It?s important to treat the job search as your job. Just as with a
job, you must set goals, prioritize activities, monitor progress,
track accomplishments and make adjustments as needed. I?ve collected a
selection of tools to help you with developing your system for
conducting your job search. Since job search can be very lonely and
stressful, it?s important to line up a reliable group of people to
serve as your support system. Many communities offer job search
support groups and I?ve included some Texas resources to help you with
finding one close to where you live.
I?m a career counselor so I didn?t have to search so much as to narrow
down the selection of resources to suggest. Please don?t hesitate to
ask for clarification if you need help with any of my suggestions.
Best wishes for your husband?s job search.
~ czh ~
Texas Calendar of Career Events
***** This is an excellent list of Texas sources for transition
workshops and ongoing support groups. You can choose from programs of
various lengths and for different levels of work experience and
responsibility from hourly to executive. The support/networking groups
are particularly helpful for keeping your job search on track.
Job Search Guide Strategies for Professionals
U.S. Department of Labor
Employment and Training Administration - U.S. Employment Service
The United States Employment Service (USES), in its continuing effort
to assist individuals in finding satisfying employment, has developed
the Job Search Guide: Strategies for Professionals. The Guide provides
important job search information including specific steps that job
seekers can follow to identify employment opportunities. A job seeker
can use the information in this guide to develop job hunting
strategies, learn skills and techniques for successfully completing
the applicant screening process (e.g., filling out applications,
answering interview questions, completing employment tests), as well
as identify other resources that can be helpful in locating
***** This is a complete transition workshop online. It presents the
same material that is usually covered in workshops offered by
outplacement companies or various employment services organizations.
The first three chapters should be particularly useful because of the
selection of worksheets included on Handling Your Job Loss, Managing
Your Personal Resources, and Assessing Your Skills, Experiences and
Interests. The remaining chapters also offer lots of resources for
staying organized in the job search.
Employment --> Business --> Employment
***** Browsing this directory is a great way to get oriented to the
immense wealth of job search and career resources on the Web.
The Riley Guide
***** This is one of the best online guides for conducting a job
search. The following sections are particularly useful: Prepare to
Search, Execute a Campaign, Target & Research, Job Listings!
Job Hunting Strategies
***** This site offers lots of step-by-step guides for every stage of
your transition and job search.
Guide to Internet Job Search
***** This site offers an excellent selection of resources to help you
get organized about your job search. Since your husband hasn?t looked
for a job since the Internet revolution happened, the section on
Internet Job Search 101 should be particularly helpful. Scroll down
the page and look for the navigation menu on the left. The articles
offered provide an excellent tutorial on online job search and suggest
ways to get and stay organized.
How to Conduct an Effective Job Search
***** Although this 6-step process is aimed at college students, the
program is just as effective for all job seekers.
Creative Job Search -- Job Search Preparation
***** This is an excellent summary of the job search process and it is
accompanied by checklists and worksheets that should help you get
Time is one of your most valuable resources in your job search!
Organizing your job search will allow you to use your time most
effectively. Below you will find some organizational tools to help
***** This site offers a selection of worksheets to help setting goals
and managing your time.
The Best Way to Organize Your Job Search
***** This site offers a simple, low-tech way to organize your job
search resources and records.
Looking for Work? Organize your Job Search
***** This site offers a suggested weekly schedule for how to pursue
your job search.
To Be Successful - Organize Your Job Search
***** This is another good summary of how to organize your job search.
Texas Career and Job Search Resources
***** This is an excellent list of Texas resources.
San Antonio Public Library ? Jobs and Careers
***** This is a somewhat dated site from the public library and some
of the links are out of date but there are many links to local job
hunting resources.
Alamo Workforce Development Area
***** Scroll down and find the appropriate office nearest you that
offers the services you need.
Organize your way to a successful search
***** This is a short article that provides a good summary of how to
keep good records of your job search contacts.
The Foolproof Job-Search Workbook
***** This book is excellent for down-to-earth advice and it is full
of worksheets and tracking forms to help you with your job search.
Organize Your Job Search Career Change
Worksheets, goal sheets, to do's and reviews streamline your current
job of looking for employment, which is a full-time job in itself!
Organize Your Job Search with Microsoft Access and Word
***** This is a 36-page PPT presentation that suggests how you can set
up effective computer records for your job search.
Organize Your Job Search! The Key to Getting a Good Job Fast
Most job seekers find it very hard to structure their job search
effectively. This contemporary video vividly illustrates that
organization is still the key to getting a good job fast. Viewers will
learn how to develop basic job-search schedules, obtain two interviews
a day, document all employer contacts, and follow-up all prospects.
Your Job Search Journal
***** This is a 40-page booklet that covers all topics usually covered
in a transition and job search workshop. It contains a collection of
worksheets to help you complete the assessment exercises and keep
track of your job search activities.
managing your job search
organizing your job search |