Hello Jude1,
Here are several kinds of bibles, that appear to match your old
Bible?s description.
Life Application Study Bible by Tyndale House Publishers. This bible
is written in plain English, with guides.
If you have already purchased from Amazon.com, chances are you have an
account with them. If not, an account is required. This is free, but
you need to register your credit card. Once your account is set up,
you can use the ?Look Inside the Book? feature, to see a page.
This is a page from Genesis, using the Amazon.com ?Look Inside the Book? feature
Recovery Bible
Bibles for New Zealand shows a Recovery Bible. The site describes this
bible ?Bibles for New Zealand chose to distribute the Recovery Version
because of its accurate, modern English translation and because it
contains a wealth of useful learning aids that is very easy to use. It
contains outlines, footnotes, cross-references, charts and maps, which
are outstanding in the way they help the reader to understand the
Bible. We think it's better than any version available today.?
Here?s a page excerpt from this bible (It?s a bit hard to see)
Explanation of the Recovery Bible
Reader?s Digest Bible
Could it have been the Reader?s Digest version? ?In a storm of
controversy, the Reader?s Digest Association published its
condensation of the RSV of Bible, known as the Reader?s Digest Bible
(RDB) in 1982? This one may be hard to find in print.
Ken Anderson
In case this is ?IT?, you can find a used one here: Item Number 16
Zondervan Publishing House
This Zondervan site sells numerous bibles, all at different reading
levels. There is a sample of a passage, in each writing style.
The NIV Bible ?Introductions and outlines provide valuable background
information for each book of the Bible. In-text maps, charts,
diagrams, and illustrations right where you want them?five of which
are completely new.?
This version has a center column reference system.
NIV Life Application Study Bible, Large Print, Indexed, seen here at
Amazon, using the ?Look Inside the Book? feature. Some pages do have
an explanation of the passages, and it is written in modern English.
Amplified Bibles
The Amplified Bible uses synonyms and definitions to explain the
passages. Could this be the Bible you seek?
This is NOT a bible, but a guide to reading the Bible. Not a
particularly pleasing name, the book is ?The Complete Idiot?s Guide to
the Bible?, by James S. Bell, Stan Campbell, James S., Jr. Bell, Jody
P. Schaeffer
Amazon.com?s ?Look Inside the Book?
Also, ?The Complete Idiot?s Guide to the World of the Bible.
An excerpt is not available, but the Table of Contents can be seen
using the ?Look?? Feature.
Should none of these Bibles meet your criteria, try these online tools:
Bible Gateway has a ?Passage Translator? on its site. Enter a passage
name in the text box, click on one of the different Bibles, then click
the ?Go? button to the right of the text box to see the translation.
The BibleFinder site has a nifty little Bible finder. Select the tabs
according to the features you are looking for, then select the
attributes you want.?The Bible Finder will search through thousands of
editions of the Bible to find the ones that meet your criteria.?
If none of these bibles are the one you seek, please ask for an Answer
Clarification, before rating. This will allow me to assist you
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Bibles modern English explained
KJV modern bibles explained
Versions Bibles |