I need code that does the following:
calculates the balance of a savings account at the end of a period of
time. It should ask the user for the annual interest rate, the
starting balance, and the number of months that have passed since the
account was established. The loop should then iterate once for every
month, performing the following:
A) Ask the user for the amount deposited into the account during the
month. The asking should be repeated until there is no more deposit
(Do not accept negative numbers as well as letters.) These amounts
should be added to the balance.
B) Ask the user for the amount withdrawn from the account during the
month. The asking should be repeated until there is no more withdrawn
(Do not accept negative numbers as well as letters.) These amounts
should be subtracted from the balance.
C) Calculate the monthly interest. The monthly interest rate is the
annual interest rate divided by twelve. Multiply the monthly interest
rate by the current balance of the month, and add the result to the
At the end of each month, the program should display the ending
balance, the total amount of deposits, the total amount of
withdrawals, and the total interest earned in the related month.
Before ending the program, there should be a summary displayed the
ending balance, the total amount of deposits, the total amount of
withdrawals, and the total interest earned in the period. Insert
comments in the program to document the program internally. Attach a
design flow chart to a hard copy of the source code of the program.
Note: if a negative balance is calculated at any point, a message
should be displayed indicating the account has been closed and the
loop should be terminated, and of course there should be a summary at
the end as described above.
below is a pseudocode that describes what should be done:
Prompt the user for the AnnualInterestRate
Read in AnnualInterestRate as a percentage
Prompt the user for the starting balance
Read in the StartingBalance
Prompt the user for the number of months the account has been open
Read in the number of Months
Calculate the MonthlyInterestRate
(it needs to be a decimal number - not a percentage)
(MonthlyInterestRate = AnnualRate / 1200)
Initialize the EndingBalance to StartingBalance
Initialize the TotalDeposits; TotalWithdrawals, and TotalInterest to 0
For each month the account has been open:
prompt user for the amount deposited during the current month
Read in the Deposit
While (Deposit < 0)
display an error message
read in another Deposit
End of the While
Add the deposit to the total Deposits
Add the deposit to the EndingBalance
Prompt user for the amount Withdrawal during the current month
Read in the Withdrawal
While (Withdrawal < 0)
display an error message
read in another Withdrawal
End of the While
Add the Withdrawal to the TotalWithdrawal
Subtract the withdrawal from the EndingBalance
if the ending balance is less than zero:
display a message indication the account has been closed
terminate the loop
else Calculate
Interest = EndingBalance * MonthlyInterestRate
Add the Interest to the EndingBalance
Add the Interest to the TotalInterest
End If
End of the For
Display each of these items on a separate line:
Starting Balance: $
Total Deposits: $
Total Withdrawals: $
Total Interest Credited: $
Ending Balance: $
Display the End of Program Message |