How do I find a free list of for lease commercial retail store front
property in Metro Los Angeles ( Hollywood, West Hollywood, Hancock
Park, Wilshire, Beverly Hills adjacent, Los Feliz, Silverlake areas)
in one place (internet or otherwise), that lists all commercial
realtors and their listings available with locations, footage and $. |
Clarification of Question by
22 Mar 2004 09:01 PST
I didn't put "Los Angeles" in my subject line. Also, being a computer
newbie, it would seem that this would be an easy task for a Google
researcher. I have refined my search in many different ways, and
although I have been directed to several commercial listings of
commercial real estate in Los Angeles, they all proved to be outdated,
no URLs, wild goose chases,etc. Other lists say, they are free, and
then give you no listings, and offer listings if you pay. What's